Test: Draw a little man and find out what your character


Very simple and very interesting psychological test, for which there is enough sheet of paper and pencil.

The task is elementary - any child will cope. You take the standard A4 leaf and draw a conditional person on it. With the help of three types of geometric shapes: triangles, circles and squares. You can use these elements in any combinations, sizes and proportions, but in the amount of them in your figure should be exactly ten. Is the masterpiece? Now read the key and decipher the hidden meaning - and then take a couple of leaves - and go ahead to the studies of your neighbor!Reference. Psychogiometry was created by American specialists led by Susan Dellingher, and the psychographic test "Constructive drawing of a man from geometric forms" developed domestic psychologists of libes. And detailed interpretations offer - to a whole book! PICs also offers the easiest, short and understandable test option.

To begin with, we estimate which figures you have among the "organs" a little more.

What triangle means

Whole three horns - they didn't sneeze a sparrow! Acute and targeted in all respects. Figure. And she declares to us (loud and confident team voice) about perseverance and energeticness. If the lover of triangles aims himself with his corner to any lines and travelers to him - it will stop him except that the gathering of avalanche. Places such a comrade himself like that gathering avalanche: "Hey, for me!" - And everyone is already running. And he shines them. The triangle is always right. If you think that he is wrong, try to appreciate with it. He feels!

What does circle mean

This figure - in the nature of the most feminine. Not in the sense that if a gentleman preferred it, it is with the tradition of Nalada. Just augital personality will always prefer to arrange, and not waving for a pitchfork and throw excrement. She sincerely regrets Muma, wishes peace all over the world, can talk without a screlery or member on the lawn. "Circles" know how to listen and better understand others in humans. The classic representative of the round party - Leopold with his mantra about "let's live together."

Which means Square

This design is firmly and steadily on Earth. Like her fan. Logic he has impenetrable, persuasiveness - like the textbooks "native speech" and "arithmetic" combined, the power of the will is measured in horsepower, exposure - the rocks will envy. By the way about horsepins: it is usually advisable to plow. Everything is in his shelves - both in the head and on the shelves themselves. To knock him out of the rut, you need ... well, except to burst out. Emotionality is not in part it is to turn to the round.

Having considered the work, count how much in your "portrait": 1) triangles, 2) circles, 3) squares. Write in the form of numbers: for example, two triangles, two circles and six squares - 226. And what does this formula mean about you? Yes a lot!

1 Type: Organizer (811, 712, 721, 613, 622, 631)

In school and the institute, you probably were an old-age - well, or at least collected from all contributions to Sabantui. At work, you are the one who takes responsibility at the critical moment and in the end he lands her in full. In the family - mommy or daddy, and in relation to not only for children. All - from the kitten to the grandmother - ask you how it is better for them. And if someone does not ask, unreasonable, then he is worse!

2 Type: Artist (514, 523, 532, 541)

A person who can do his job is with love, with understanding and most often on time. You are not worse with a sense of responsibility than the organizer, but you prefer to answer not for everyone, but for yourself. Well, they doubt, it happens: is it true everything is already perfect, and is it possible to somehow improve here?

3 Type: Visor (433, 343, 334)

The same talented who is talented in everything. And you can draw, and dance, if necessary, and project compose. Writing you, by the way, it turns out best. Sometimes, however, the result is not quite applicable to reality - but what should I do if such a reality is imperfect around you?

4 Type: Sympathy (181, 271, 172, 361, 262, 163)

On your wall in Facebook, all homeless dogs planet are looking for salvation, and your vest is ready to take all humiliated and offended. This is called "Developed Empathy": you just do not understand what it means "not to take close to heart." And do not, please show you "White Bim" or "Titanic"!

5 Type: Thin Nature (451, 352, 154, 253, 154)

Sensitive and fragile soul, better not to conntove. Even if you are seriously uncomfortable, you still worry: what if they did not think? What if in the depths of the soul offended? Yes, and you can take care of yourself, promotion and stopped - and they, cherish people, and not notice. However, you have changed mood, you do not like monotony at all.

6 Type: Independent (442, 424, 244)

But they would not climb everything to you with their installations and prejudices. You are an artist, you see so much! And the artist is what? That's right! You always have a couple of ingenious ideas in your head, your own point of view and your own rules of life. It is not recommended to criticize you - if, of course, who is the road life and reason. Because nothing!

7 Type: Sociable (415, 325, 235, 415)

It is easier for you to say in words than to write in the report. Contact unfamiliar man? Yes, please, without problems. Call by phone and get the necessary info? Though twice. You are genius of communication and the very directness. Sometimes sociability leads you to such places in which you did not expect to be at all. Nothing, the language will not only bring, but also will withdraw back!

8 Type: self-sufficient (118, 127, 217, 316, 226, 136)

Unlike the previous type, open to everyone, you do not like to open much. These very, open-in-law, you even avoid: I never know anything in mind with these noisy and turmoil bees. If anyone is very necessary - knock on the shell and wipe your feet on the threshold. And in general, it is necessary to look at, lift - and then ... sometimes because of this feature you have to stay and fight with your problems one on one. Well, yes, you are to another strict - so it's yourself too!

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