Enemy horoscope: find out what to wait for the signs of the zodiac


The best way to survive when around the enemies is not to start your enemies. But if the enemy is completely by chance (you didn't want to do at all, you have a bunny, it just happened) I painted on the horizon and slowly approaching, it's badly smiling, you need to find out who he is on a horoscope. Just to understand what to wait specifically.



Capricorn, as a rule, are quite biased on emotions, especially - on such bright emotions as hatred. Therefore, if you managed to bring Capricorn to 451 Fahrenheit - Congratulations, you are a very talented person. On this, in fact, good news end. Capricors usually stand on their feet so confident that it is possible to drop them on the blades only by massive orbital bombing. Accordingly, the best way to combat is to hide in the bunker and pray that Capricorn is climbed with its quarterly reports and forgot about your existence.



Aquarius is a very unpleasant enemy. Because he usually has: a) the Internet; b) pumped sense of humor. The week is different - and you already delete all accounts in social networks, since this is the only alternative to hanging. Well, or hang. Another thing is that the Aquarius is usually spoiled on others, they are too docked on their talents, family and health. So just do not touch the Aquarius - he will definitely not start. He will not even notice you.



Oh, fish. Well, have surrounded by fish and not become her enemy - it is necessary to try hard. Fish can be offended by completely unpredictable things and immediately start cruelly revenge. Since the words "fantasy" and "fish" are practically synonyms, the revenge is expected to be terrible, sudden and exquisite. In the art of conviction, the fish are also there are no equal, therefore, literally an hour after the start of Vendetta, all your friends will be sure that you are radish, do not wash your hands before eating and killed Kennedy.



Aries will not carefully tinkering intrigues and securely represent at night in a pillow, as the asphalt roller moves you. Aries just moves you asphalt roller. The good news is that Aries is difficult to derive truly. Bad news is that Aries can not stop. It will suit only your death. This is at best, because ideally you need your shameful and very slow death.



Tales love to fire with enemies. Any inexperienced Matadad will raise the horns, not even time to squeak. But after that, the calf will not leave the well-deserved side. Taurus will be very scrupulous to look for like-minded dead man (or even just sympathizing) and methodically lift them on the horns. One after another. One after another. But then you can already shake the guts from the horns - and on the side. But at first to eat.



One of the most unpleasant enemies. First, he knows a lot, secondly, he does not happen to use it. So all your shoals will immediately become a public domain. Maximum wide. In extreme cases, the twin match - to lie they can no worse than fish. So Renome will still have to wash. One joy - they often change the mood, and if in the morning the twin is ready to destroy your genus before the seventh knee, in the evening he can already drink vodka with you, funny telling how in the morning Strichnin was going to plug. And - yes - be sure: he was really going.



It is almost impossible to make an enemy from cancer. There are only two cancers: either he loves you, or he does not notice you. An offended cancer simply strikes you out of life forever, and this is not a declaration ("Ah, I'll give a damn floor on you and forever"), and harsh reality. No, in theory, if you try hard, then cancer will be able to burn your home, but it is necessary to somehow try it very much. Usually cradies at home enemies even burn ease.



It is completely unpredictively! It was necessary to choose someone else. The lion will not calm down until they erase you into dust and ash. He will do it slowly, methodically and with traditional lion pathos. At first he just play, slightly assisted you with claws - to show the stubborn public how nothing you are nothing. And then you will stop giving visas, it will be trimmed and delay until the clarification. It would seem that communication simply can not be! But for each everyday failure you, not without reason, satisfied riveted roar will be heard.



Enjoyed Virgo will not raise you in vain, like twins or fish. She will not beat you a steam-water pipe on the head with witnesses, like Aries or Tales. She rushes a web, in the best traditions of Japanese horror films, which will certainly lead you to a hospital bed. After that, Virgo will go to you in the ward with two white chrysanthemums, block the crane of the dropper, kgesses you in the forehead, leave flowers on the bedside table and go home. Wash.



Scales are a light opponent, because the scales are such a Shakespeare character: "It's a shame that the word" honor "is forgotten" and other high-thunder hardcore. Therefore, it is not necessary to wait for the scales of impact. If you are shooting - so according to the rules, with seconds and, preferably, before the first blood, why do we need these funerals, it is too expensive. Accordingly, any subtle trick - and enemy-scales are defeated. Problems begin when it turns out that the scales are too many like. And among these many there are lions, and fish, and they all crave to revenge immediately for their flower.



This is a champion of balloon and leader on the power of poison. You, in short, cranes. Scorpio will not rush to the ambrusura or chase the goal to destroy you as quickly as possible. Oh no. Scorpio will sit under a stone, wait patiently and apply point and most painful blows. In no case are not fatal. The enemy should not die. The enemy must suffer. Forever.



Sagittarius is terribly fundamental, it means that they are very easy to offend. Accordingly, they either fundamentally revenge, or they will not be fundamentally. In the second case, we relax and drink tea. In the first case, we start nervous. Because the revenge of the principle is obliged to be at least public. And, at least, memorable. Otherwise, from revenge, it will not be in principle. In general, most likely, you just cut your head on the central square of the city.

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