It's time to pour: how to change the calling without risk for life and wallet? (In gifs)


If every working day for you as overcoming, the crocodile is not caught, the coconut is not growing, and indeed everything is not happy if the workplace is wider than the medieval chamber of torture, then maybe it's time to think about shifting and place, and work?

Pics.Ru agrees that the crisis-Schmizis and all that, but - here we allow yourself a little sentimentality - life goes by and is not going to wait until the economic situation in the country stabilizes, so catching our manual.

According to the call of the soul

It's time to pour: how to change the calling without risk for life and wallet? (In gifs) 35934_1

It is not necessary to change the work (or even the scope of activity) because "Mom said" or "no worthy sentence", but at the call of the soul. If the last 10 years you are disgusted with oil-producing tower, and in fact your soul lies with the embroidery of the cats on the napkins, then you think about it - maybe now it's time to change everything? Causes to wait, wait "but suddenly dispersed" will always be enough, it is enough to endure and sorry yourself! Remember how in the "Pirates of the Caribbean": if you waited for a suitable moment, then ... it was he!

Overcoming fear

It's time to pour: how to change the calling without risk for life and wallet? (In gifs) 35934_2

A large number of people work on unloved works, because terribly afraid of unknowns. It is clear: after a successful PR manager, the fitness instructor is very afraid! What awaits you in the Sport Club Slogs? What if it does not work? Suddenly burst? Very can be! But if this is what you really want and like to do, then why not try?

Determine the reasons

It's time to pour: how to change the calling without risk for life and wallet? (In gifs) 35934_3

It is important to understand why you want to change the scope of activity. Problems with the bosses or with colleagues may arise anywhere, even at the florist, at least at the Top Manager Gazprom. If you are picked up by a specific boss, patting or offering to pass "into numbers", then perhaps you can change the place of work, but not the sphere of activity. It is extremely honest to answer the question: do you like what you do? Or does any other causes affect your decision?

Checking the fight

It's time to pour: how to change the calling without risk for life and wallet? (In gifs) 35934_4

If you can, try your hand in practice. For example, on the topic of interest to you, you can take a project on freelance or asked to work on the weekend to see how one or another business is arranged from the inside. At a minimum, you can search for information on the Internet - there you can now find the feature of the bald - but please, be careful and separate the grain from the whores. I myself understand that the announcements seems to "I changed the scope of activities and earned one hundred million mad money" is not worth it.

Detected expectations

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If you are not satisfied with low wages, you do not decide this problem with the change of activity - it may be even lower, especially if you do not have any experience. On the other hand, you need to be able to leave the comfort zone, challenge the challenge, so that after five or seven years it is not painfully painful for the aimlessly lived years. What do you want from a new profession? If money, it is unlikely to go to work by the seller, and if moral satisfaction is to be guided by salary.

Oh, all

It's time to pour: how to change the calling without risk for life and wallet? (In gifs) 35934_6

In order to figure out whether the crisis is truly in your professional life or this is the situation "I-working-five-year-old-e-weekends and-vacation-and-slightly oxrela" go holidays. It is advisable to cut off all means of communication and try not to think about work at all. I score inner perfectionist by stones, pour wine and stop pouring: in a couple of weeks it will not collapse without you. If you return, you will understand that nothing has changed and the faces of colleagues cause a resistant nausea, and from the working duties I want to shove the shorts, garlic and crucifixes, the point is really bad and it's time to change something.

Contact help

It's time to pour: how to change the calling without risk for life and wallet? (In gifs) 35934_7

Now you can find a career consultant or coach of any level. Well, if it is a truly knowledgeable person and disassembled in the topic of a person, and not a neighbor of Aunt Masha, who has spent 40 years in the frame of the Path of Ilyich. Of course, we do not doubt the ability of the above-mentioned aunt, but dare to assume that her knowledge is somewhat outdated and you can hardly help you. As a last resort - find online tests on vocational guidance, they are now too enough. The main thing in this matter is not to deceive yourself and do not try to look better than you are even in our own eyes.

Go humanly

It's time to pour: how to change the calling without risk for life and wallet? (In gifs) 35934_8

If you decided everything for yourself, then you should not go from your feet into the CEO Cabinet, swearing loudly, to arrange the row, the pogrom and deliberately with everyone to quarrel. The reputation in the professional world is an expensive thing, and it may well be that your future chef is the brother of his wife's sister's friend's mother-in-law of the present bosses. In addition, it makes sense to go smoothly: healthy to appreciate his knowledge and skills, calmly choose a truly suitable offer, to warn everyone and not burn bridges. Who knows how it turns everything?

Signs that it is time to throw

It's time to pour: how to change the calling without risk for life and wallet? (In gifs) 35934_9

Here are a few signs for which you can determine what to-stay in your place:

  • You love and appreciate no work, but your position and opportunities (money, fame, number of subordinates, etc.);
  • You are not interested in a new one, you do not want to know anything in our industry and do not believe that positive changes are possible, but constantly growing "nothing will happen, nothing will happen, everything disappeared, the plaster is removed, the client leaves";
  • You work in the same position for more than 7 years;
  • NB! In large companies invented an interesting way to deal with this: according to top management, a good person should be good in everything and therefore, every 2-3-4 years old workers are translated into similar positions, but in another department. So, products managers are obtained from the PR, and then logists. The system is controversial, but interesting!
  • You work in the same company for more than 12 years. Isn't it not bothered? :)

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