They just need it! 10 myths and stereotypes about men


Do you know how the myth of the stereotype is different? If we are talking about myth, it means that the majority still believes in the topic expressed. And if we are talking about stereotype, many of us just pretend. Because it is more convenient.

We tear the masks, girls!

1. They all only from us and necessary (stereotype)

It is in the sense of sex. No, we, of course, on inertia we can inform such a daughter. But the sound is not very convincing. In fact, women across the corners have long been whispering that a man, they say, now the harpsky went. He has, if it costs, so it is on tanks and a new set of Mishalin rubber. In fact, the man went prudent. Knowing that the modern woman has an entrance - the ruble, the exit - three. And he calculates the coefficient of naughty, that you have time to snatch, get married for another and divorce. And nothing to do with you from you, alas.

2. They do not gossip (myth)

In this we, and the truth believes. Well, those of us who do not work in the male team and does not have a neighboring room for forty thousand brothers. In fact, no grandmother at the entrance does not distribute information that Sveta is a prostitute, at such speed, as a person with a courageous chin and motivation: "I can't hide such important information from a better friend."

3. They dream of copies of their mom (stereotype)

We are not idiotes (well, okay, idiot, but not all and not quite) and guess that some boys dream a copy of their mom to dismember, burn and dispel ashes, just in case, on some distant continent. Therefore, we carefully observe how the boy and his mother communicate. If the boy is good and obedient, we just play a copy of mom. Because we are too lazy to reinvent the bike.

4. They do not care that we are caught (stereotype)

Sure sure. That is why we go on a date, putting all the best immediately.

5. Men hate shopping (myth)

We believe in it, because men are perfectly masked, putting on their excellent physiognomy a squeamish expression at the sight of a shopping center. They deceive us! The insight occurs when you enter the department of men's goods and you see how men spit in front of the mirror in two identical shorts in turn. Spread, I must say, more abrupt than the stripper on the pole. And sobbing sails sobs: "You really go, very, not to look for with pearl buttons."

6. A man should have an apartment angle to quit dirty sock (stereotype)

We had a small survey here, and it turned out that no living leather woman from the respondents had seen such a man never in life. At the same time, 100% of the respondents admitted that once, and another yes and their happy chosen was for the arranged srach. That is, we pretend. Because we are the poor, are aschim at work, houses are ashamed, here you are a feeling of guilt, pursue me and make tea.

7. Gentlemen prefer blondes (myth)

We believe in it, because you ourselves consider the blondes of pretty brunettes. You can argue, however, a fact - a rare blonde repainted in a brunette. But this is entirely and fully our personal attacked cockroach: men think larger, evaluating the entire complex of the coming problem from the breast to the voice of the voice.

8. If you sleep on the first date, he will throw you (stereotype)

In the depths of the soul, we, of course, know that it is not so - married examples go around thousands. But our psyche is defended, explaining - they say, baby, not roaring, you just slept on the first date, here it is no longer ringing. None of the psyche tells you - he does not call, because you do not know how to do blowjob.

9. It is necessary to imitate (myth)

Well, so that he suddenly did not think that I am frigid. Very resistant myth repaying the sex life to women last one hundred fifty thousand years. Therefore, instead of telling the mouth "And let's try this," girls are busy pumping their acting game. Accordingly, after sex, the boy goes to the traumatologist to treat scratched back (no, doctor, it was not Jaguar), and the girl goes to the bathroom to finish the started (cry).

10. Boys do not cry (stereotype)

Sobbing, his man (not the current one - so the past) saw absolutely everything. At the same time, we pretend that we believe in the "boys do not cry." What for? Well, because it is convenient for us to calln the "insensitive animals" and help in angle with the eyes of deadly wounded Lani. And you do not cry further, an animal is insensitive.

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