Fortune telling on a basket with purchases. How to find out a person in just two minutes


There are many ways to have fun in a long queue on the cashier, but most of the humorous sites offered by humorous sites cause strong irritation of others. And to be among the crowd of irritated people who have nowhere to go, agree, in real life is not very nice.

PICS.RU offers a much safer way. Slowly repay. It is difficult to spread the pictures in such conditions, so we will guess on the contents of baskets with purchases. And they give out a person, believe me, with your head.

Young mother, miraculously escaped from the child to the store


Diapers, wet wipes, baby soap, children's cream, a bottle of beer - to hide the one who stays with a child, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate. The first is to celebrate a trip to the will, the second is to get stress, the third - if the second child will find earlier than mom will find another five minutes on himself. Before reaching the ticket office, the hostess of the basket is forty minutes leisurely wandered between the rows of goods under the wild sounds of advertising with such a kind, as if walking through the forest with Tomik Mesenin and listens to the singing of birds.

Young Father, sent failed to escape a young mother


All the same: diapers, napkins, soap, cream, beer and chocolate. Only the chocolate is one, and the beer is Troikhka: to wash the horror of the hike for diapers, remove the stress from the sympathy of the drunk young mother, and the third, if the mother suddenly blows the second itself. The shopping room also went, as in the forest, but to the dense and full of predatory animals. From the paths to beer tried not to turn, so, they ran out for diapers and immediately back. By the end of the campaign, a hand and ear were illuminated - from the need to keep in touch with the headquarters in the face of his wife.

Girl on an eternal diet


Carrots, celery, two apple, low-fat yogurt with some special ultra-patious taste, green tea, ten spice bags - they are given a different taste of a thousand salads from carrots and celery, and some more believe that it is incredibly losing weight. Oh, what is it on the bottom of the basket? And this chocolate. Yes, hefty is so. Removing yourself for the power of the will, probably. After all, two hours stood near the bread department, the muffin with Popper considered! And did not take. Today, this bun to someone will dream, with all its own bends and precisely recalculated by the poppy pieces.



Two Kilo Surgery, three kilos of cottage cheese, five dozen eggs and a little carrot, so that dinner is not stuck in the body until the day after tomorrow. He is going to eat it all tonight and not die. At least until the end of tomorrow's workout. You would have the end of the training started before it started: the kidneys would fall off from the protein overdose. And this nothing seems to be joyful, well, how joyful there are cabinets. God, as I want and put a chocolate chocolate.

Student in front of session


She still hopes to be distracted at the calorie variety, but to buy them, cook and distinguish with taste - no, because the session is not the first. The basket is filled with an instant noodle. On her background, a hefty coffee package is distinguished slightly and the same hefty chocolate tile - brain feed. Surprisingly, the maiden is thin and ringing and, moreover, even after the session it will remain. Youth, a wonderful time, when the nerves lose weight, and not rounded.

Master of gambling


At least he is from those who are not lucky in love, but such, they say, play the picture well. In extreme cases, in shooters and floders. Than he seems to be busy from morning to evening. But it is today our player is full of rainbow hopes. In a basket, he will add to the package of chips and packaging a famous noodle modestly and with the value of a bottle of sweet red wine, a box of chocolate chocolates and a pack of condoms. And another bottle of lotion, with whom he was accustomed to sharing his loneliness, because hopes of hopes, and the experience is the son of difficult mistakes. Okay, you're not angry, it's a massage that awesome suddenly will be done.

Housewife with OKR


OCC is not the name of the fashionable detergent, but an obsessive-compulsive disorder, but the detergent in the basket is also enough. For glass, for faience, for the stove, for the floor, for dishes, for carpet. At home there is the same army of the bottle, but she still could not resist, went past all these funds, and it suddenly seemed to her that at home was terribly dirty, urgently buy detergents, more, even more! How do you know that she did not decide to bring order after Orgia? In a basket, more products on the family and at least five chocolate tiles. Due to the constant stress of the OCP, it turns on in the Sweet Department.

Principal scoop


Just like a young father, with a large margin of children's cream. And yet - ten boxes of soda and eight mustard banks. On a housewife with her detergents looks with light contempt and celebration. Here he can hatch everything and mustard, and he does not intend to overpay for marketing! The main thing is to rub as it follows. And the hands that hands, then baby cream wake up, he has wonderful healing properties. Children's cream is generally a wonderful substitute for any leaving cosmetics. Although from corns, even after shaving.

Mother seven along the beings


One chicken, one dozen eggs, two liters of milk, manka, rice, pasta, potatoes, kochan cabbage, sugar sand, large packs with carrots and onions, four apples, large pack of tea, bank cheap tomato paste, bread, margarine. This is all for a week. From one chicken leg, rice, onions and carrots will be pilaf on Monday, from another chicken leg and pasta will be pasta with chicken on Tuesday, from wings, potatoes and cabbage will be on Wednesday, leather, exhaust, cabbage, paste, bow and Carrots will be a Solyanka on Thursday, and the residues of meat, a barley and grandmother's salty cucumbers will turn into a brideller on Friday. Sweet cake on dilute milk. Children eaten in the morning while adults will be sandwiched with margarine. Eggs at the weekend - two small days! Flour still remained since last time. And apples are a children's Sunday delicacy. By the way, where the chocolate is useful.

Aliens with the planet GRA


How to explain such a strange set, how not an attempt to take samples to study humanity? Milk, searer, washing powder, fresh celery, cheap noodles, ugly ceramic cup, strips of three different brands, Nori sheets for cooking sushi and God knows what else, everything is hung and stirred without any system ... how much? What was my basket?! Do not look at it. And generally speaking! Only fools make conclusions about people on shopping baskets. For sure.

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