Why from chocolate and red wine lose weight? Now tell me


    Why from chocolate and red wine lose weight? Now tell me 35927_1
    Forget about counting calories and sluggish spinach. On your holiday street! Now it is official. Here scientists have repeatedly revised and declare: for beauty and harmony, you need to pour the balls with red wine and there is chocolate and cheese. Three ways!

    Tim Spector, Professor of the London Royal College said, as mail: All you knew about diet-garbage. Because you thought about calories. And it was necessary to think about bacteria.

    Your digestive tract is a native house for millions of bacteria. Some believe that they are in us a kilogram of 2 in total. Some help us to digest and assimilate food, suppress the development of pathogenic microflora and generally friends, others make all sorts of hardness. The key to success is the breeding of the correct bacteria. The diverse diet, the more kinds of all sorts of beneficial microorganisms will be gracious within you.

    Microbes contributing to the right digestion are not all eating - they also have their own preferences.

    For example, they love cheese and milk, as Spector assures. Look, they say, cheese lovers are less likely to suffer from heart disease.

    Nuts and seeds, as well as vegetable oil - also a good firmware for the stadium of microbes living in us. And, by the way, they just like to squeeze the chocolate and pull the Red Wints, like you. In these products, the content of polyphenols is high, namely, there are microorganisms on them that help us assimilate food.

    Why from chocolate and red wine lose weight? Now tell me 35927_2
    Therefore, the Mediterranean diet and works, and the Greeks, Spaniards and Italians rarely suffer from obesity and vascular diseases. They just eat what the "good" microorganisms like.

    But fat and sugar are not good bacteria not just like. They literally kill them. Tim Spector conducted an experiment on his son Thomas - a parenchy of 10 days was eager for meals from McDonalds (yes, a completely inhuman experiment!). For the eleventh day, Tim checked the state of the digestive path of Thomas. There was a complete Waterloo. 40% of all bacteria were dried, because of this, the pathogenic microflora was dispersed over all measures.

    "But these microbes are important not only for digestion. With their help, we better absorb vitamins and trace elements! " - mourns Tim bacteria.

    Spector has conducted research on the twins for many years, one of which all his life fought with overweight, and the other was designed as cypress, and came to the conclusion that the difference between them was only as part of intestinal microflora. Who she is diverse and healthier, that and slim.

    "Consider that your microflora is an English garden," Spector says. - The more diverse our food, the more diverse the microflora, and what it is more diverse, the greater is more beautiful. Dairy products, cheese, nuts, butter and chocolate fertilize this garden and it blooms. "

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