Help, betray the goat! The funniest calls to the police



Our person writes how breathing is inspired, creatively, non-standard. Especially when he writes a statement or explanation ...

The funny thing is not even the accusations of the "rays" or "the appeal of a neighbor in a lustful manner." And the fact that any appeals of citizens are completely any, at least about Martian, at least about evil pigeons on the balcony! - Police officers are obliged to register and conduct operational work on them. And we are wondering why comrades from organs sometimes are so surprised by their inner world;)

Having fun in gender

Please begin the measures to my neighbors that sisterly violate the social peace and morality with fruitful sounds at night. Although it is ashamed because the elderly people are both tandards of science. I have already spoken a neighbor so that they behave in bed and she is barely smile and left not the word did not say to soak. And what exactly I broke the window, it's a lie. I sat postily in the evening to make a remark because it is possible. But at the door to call the on shy and called quietly with a common Bilcone, which is next to their window, and they were invaluable and then I was partly in the handle in the Fordochka handle from the mop. The fact that she crashed themselves to blame should have behaved in particularly.

The walls of the municipal apartment are thin, so the husband leads to his room a familiar unknown name with which he entertained in gender.

Unlike Monica, Levinsky, I cannot provide irrefutable evidence against Belyaeva V. M. But believe me, he forced me to do the same as she, the essence of which was dissolved.

He hit me at that place, which is far from indifferent to my wife. Right in the face.

There is no possibility to quietly go down the street, the horses are managing everywhere. Noises of animal origin are not allowed to breathe calmly. Girls coming to the stable are agents of the streets of red lamps and send me there ...


A neighbor systematically poison me with his goat, why my vegetation came to a deplorable state.

I got acquainted with the girl, a random acquaintance. She led me home, I drank a little beer. After our joint spent time, when I walked into an ATM, I discovered the loss of plastic cards. The thought was alone, they fell out in the apartment of that girl. Having called her she said that there were no cards, I say, let's see together maybe they lie on the floor. She walked in every way I came to see them. I had to call the outfit of PPS, they didn't fall to her to her either. Then I was brought to the part gave a statement said I wrote a statement ... I wrote. But unfortunately later, it was discovered later, she fell into the inner pocket in the jacket itself under the binder.

To think only, because of my my wife, I completely digidated.

I ask you to assist in curbing household events applied to my wife expressing in insults and relegated today on the head, that is, finding my weak place.

I am not regretting about the husband, for he was not a friend and her husband, only madly a pity of the shelted years, not filled with warmth of the male strong start ...

Mutual fight

I heard a cry, which after the analysis turned out to be obscene abroad.

My neighbor installed a satellite dish near my window, which created the potential attacker to get to me in an apartment from the windows of the staircase. Requests about dismantling ignores. Please contribute to the solution of this issue.

With the neighbor there was a mutual fight ...

Vodka hit the brain, and the retaliatory shot was received by the wardrobe.

I am engaged in renting children's quads from 3 to 12 years. On Saturday, I as usual worked without any occurrences, and employees come on Monday and they say that at the weekend, namely on Saturday, a child knocked a girl on Saturday. As the Cleeds tell, namely, my competitors with whom I whatever I am everyone saw and they say that mine. No one okedit about it at least said they were simply silent. Is the question that I am not responsibility not for those who ride for pedestrians and why the mother did not follow his daughter if it were normal, she would come up and screamed whose quads would come and we would understand and not silently went and filed a statement and why you mol Watch out for my daughter. Since I do rolling, I can not follow other people's children.

I said the police that was not wounded, but, removing the cap, I discovered that my skull was stuck.

I carefully examined and fell under the car "Zaporozhets".

The accident happened when the right front door of another car left behind the corner without even the signal.

Wanting to trace the fight to the end, I was beaten by both sides.

Alienation of the wife

I slept, and at this time the fight began in the apartment. I did not accept the participation in the fight, as I slept. I learned about what happened from the words of my wife and her husband, who returned at 14.00, and not at 18.30, as promised.

According to my estimates, the damage ranges from 250 thousand to a quarter million.

There was an alienation of his wife in favor of the mother-in-law.

In a conversation, he used obscene break, but she was not aimed at my address, but for a ligament of words in the sentence.


Being in a cafe, Ivanov Yu. F. led the wrong way of rest.

Fourteen winter tires and five concrete blocks found at me at home, my police itself and threw the "hanging" to close, and I myself do not know what to do with them.

I saw a slow elderly man with a sad face flew from the hood of my car.

I bought on the Internet a scheme for earnings for 10 thousand rubles, but it was not a worker. Please punish a fraudster. Thank you. Or this is a landing argument, because he still gave me a scheme, although not working. P.S. I know that I don't differ my mind and ingenuity.

I ask for your help. Rada justice helped me get my seat and labor wages ...

Head of the ROVD of the N-district Lieutenant Colonel Militia N. I ask you to criminalize you ...

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