5 virtues who finish us


It does not live mankind without a rules, the retreat of which is punishable. Byakak some kind of punishable. It is clear that we will not survive without the Criminal Code, AK, GK, PDD and the Constitution. But nonwatwis, this is not enough. There are still sins. For sins you will make a-ta-she, but then.

And so as not to relax now, virtues are hanging on the neck. Soft so. Like, who is not enough virtue - that blasting is all deserves. You know what? These virtues will ever receive us. Exactly telling you.


Work, slave, the sun is still high! So I ask, why would a diligence - virtue? This is a need. To eat, you need to earn. To earn, you need to work. To work and do not fuck from boredom, you need to love your work (here's the edition of PICS, for example, very hardworking - we are practically a bee). But is it called hardworking? Fig. It is not enough to be happy to take a job for any work, and, by bakingbind by a cigarette and singing a song about a good badger and his tests, to work to work. Diligence is currently synonymous with workolism. And you read the social network, read! "I work for 14 hours a day and still manage to shift for money at night in the comments! And you are all lazy! " Yours, how is driving. Well, right, and what else to do, if there is no life, except for work, and Dedine prophet. Amen.


Here you laughed at British scientists, and they are now afraid of you. Therefore, they invited their Swedish colleagues and have already proven with them that monogamy harms female health. Thank you, of course, but we ourselves have already guessed. Do people generally monogama? Innocence, stored before marriage, loyalty - all this lead from patriarchal system. Today the vector has shifted a little and it is assumed that loyalty should keep both partners, and if it is tired of storing it, then you must first divorce. What, of course, no one does, but sit, it means that they moralize - Cockoko, this is a betrayal! What is really happening? Someone changes, suffers, execute himself, but in the end it all equals. Particularly sensitive earn one's serious injury. Moreover, everyone did it. And who will write now in the comments, that all, but not he is - he is lying. Therefore, go to the next item.


If loyalty is a question of Holyivar, then sincerity is not a question at all. Everybody lies. Even small children are clean, sinless crumbs, angels. That is, Izuchada Hell and the breaking of vice, of course - well, since Lgut, looking at you with innocent eyes. And the cats, by the way, also squeeze hell, like dogs. These generally masters of Mimic etudes like "I did not do anything, the enemies threw the poop in the sneakers." And now it is asked if everything is lying, then the unmandant sincerity is so good? Well, than, than .. here, a person believed that a lie - vice and fufufu, and look, cuts the truth-uterus about himself, loved. Rolling. Guilty such. All, from the dragon armor, the scales fell out, you can pick up with unwashed hands in defenseless losses. In other words, manipulate unhappy in his pleasure.


Modesty and humility. Virtue for weak - for women and children. Do not have any power or physical strength to protect yourself? So sit and do not select. Bertok and obedient, be not annoying anyone. And if Mr. And the Lord, the shelter to you demolished - so this is the fool itself to blame. It was not humble enough. If you think this is in the past, you eat too much. In the sense, lit up. The number of cases of domestic violence simply amazes - and this is only a small part. Most simply hides the fact that husbands and fathers mock them. Why hide and suffer? Because the meekness is virtue. Yeah.


We offer to recalculate the scars on the fiery motor, Trubno clumsy and recognize: the mockery is, of course, and no virtue. And someday it is her me. So what to do? You can not do anything here. Alas.

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