10 folk adoption that always work


Folk signs, with all their intricateness - amazingly unstable business. You can slope at least a basin of a salad from the clover of a four-hundredth, but it is unlikely to add you anything wonderful other than diarrhea. Yes, and the palms most often it is not formed "to the money", but to the fact that "it would be nice to wash your hands, boyfriends." Modern superstitions are not called romantic, but they are reliable as a stocilogram anvil. Honest word, we checked.

1. To finally come a minibus, you need to smoke. If the cigarette is the last, the minibus will come before the second tightening even contrary to the schedule.

2. Tired winter and snow? Do not move. It is enough to buy skis, board or skates. Snow will not be until spring - until you take the heat-loving tomato to the country ground.

3. Do not like the rain? Always take a umbrella with you. No matter how frowning the sky and the forecast, it will not be rain, until you leave the umbrella at home.

4. If you really want to take a dacha to get to the ground, and the work, the car and relatives are against, just do the dear manicure. As soon as the second hand will begin to cover the lacquer, the working meetings will cancel, the car will start, and relatives will cut a turn to the country hammock.

5. If you want the attention of households or wait for the call, do not lose time. Just go to the shower. In these 5 minutes they will call everything in the world, including classmates with whom you did not communicate the last 20 years, the postman will certainly bring the parcel, relatives will begin to yell under the door "Let's rather", and the child will urgently need a pot (he is in the bathroom, yes).

6. If there is no one to sit with the chad, but you still need to leave, try to straighten the bed, organize more unwashed dishes, and put a bunch of chewned underwear in the prominent place. Do not doubt, unknown forces are already injected to your threshold.

7. It happens that the child played on the street and disappeared with radars, and the second hour you are quietly seen with Valerian at the phone. But getting rid of close. Urgently take sex! And you will not have time to pull your pants ...

8. If you want to remind yourself of former and enemies, you need ... No, on the Red Mazda, another time, sorry. We must not wash your head, put on the workouts and your unqualted after yesterday and with a trash can show all the attracted encouraging enemians, as much they lost.

9. If you really want sex, but the prospects for the date are unclear, in no case do not make hair removal. To enhance the effect of irresistible, it is recommended to wear old briefs and a well-deserved bra.

10. If life is prosperous and so measured that I want to shake up, try to see fish in a dream. This is the strongest sign with a prolonged action. At least 18 years after it, you will live incredibly fun and rich.

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