13 days, 7 wonders of the world and diagnosis "Rak": a letter of travelers in the whole world


12 countries, 15 flights, 45,000 kilometers, 5 nights in hotels, 1 confiscated tripod, 7 wonders of light, 13 days. I fell from a height of 15 meters in Yosemite, got under the car, and then I was diagnosed with skin cancer - and all this in one month. I looked at 2 weeks, and then I decided that I would certainly see 7 new wonders of the world in 13 days. Because I live right now.

Day 1: Chichen Itsa

Chichen Itza

It all started in the Yosemite Valley, where I trained 3 years to make climbing El Captain. At an altitude of 600 meters, a terrible drop was waiting for me from 15 meters, after which I first asked myself a question: why is it all? Why is it so important for me a sense of danger that pushes me to even more extreme ascent? What am I trying to prove to myself or, if it is fooling, to this world?

Day 2: Pickchu Machu

Pickchu Machu

Like in the movies. A week later, during a trip to Vseza (a small scooter - approx.) I was hit by a car, and another week during the usual examination I was diagnosed with skin cancer. For three weeks I gathered a triple harvest of trouble.

Day 4: Christ Redeemer


My friends and family, only half joking, offered me to buy a big bubble to live in it without exposing yourself to dangers. But after I seriously imagined such an expensive and uncomfortable life, everything became extremely clear. It was a wonderful moment of truth when I understood: I will survive.

Day 6: Colosseum


In my life (and not only in my), all wonderful discoveries occur after the tragedies and losses when you look at life under a different angle. The pain of loss radically changes you, because it opens up your inner space for something new.

Day 8: Peter


After the worst month in my life, I rethought by how I live, and came to a truly amazing discovery ... that the only factor hindering a truly live and do what I really want, I was myself.

Day 11: Taj Mahal


I always convinced myself that I have not enough time or money, but it was only excuses. In fact, I was always afraid of the failure. I needed to stop thinking that my desires are uncomfortable and concentrate on the fact that in reality I only have the strength and the right to decide how I live the day after day.

Day 12: Great Wall


The only thing I regret is the missed opportunities to do what I never did. This year everything has changed. I risked and will continue to risk to survive the only standing adventure in the world - my own life.

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