5 ways to fight universe if you have overweight


Discrimination on the basis of weight today is considered the norm. Thick supposedly are to blame for the fact that they are thick. They are lazy, they need to eat less. If you have overweight - you know what it is.

But you can hardly you know how to resist it. Because no one explains to you than you guessed. You are just etched. Calm! Pics, as always, got to the essence.

You are considered lazy and brown

And how much - all your own weight you talked only for this reason. Because you are rag. Because you can not take yourself in hand. Even if your excess weight is a consequence of the disease, you still can not live quietly. Because it is impossible to walk down the street with a sign "Do not beat me, I have diabetes." For example. In addition, you still say that you are lazy ass. Holly Berry is also diabetes, and what is the figure, eh? The same. What to do: resist. Whether to resist. If you say that you are fat, because you can't take yourself in your hands - do not swallow it. Because it is a closed circle. In psychology, referred to as the term "learned helplessness". If you are badly listening to poisonous sales about your own bravery - you will sooner or later you believe in what is not capable of anything. And excess weight will be the smallest of your problems. So just open your mouth and ask a volitional clever, what the hell is it so far such a beggar (sutured, pimply, tastelessly dressed ETC). Well, since he is so hard and volitional.

You do not give you the opportunity to be attractive

At least it is nice to dress - and it is impossible. Because all that more than 52 sizes is sewn in the nostalgic style "Cherkizon, nineties". Ryushi, ugly prints, rubber bands on the waist. At best, you can grab yourself a bashonchik, like Alla Borisovna, suspiciously brushing on the strait shirt. But the point is not that there is no beautiful clothes of your size in principle. The fact is that you, mentally trying on the dress, imagine not at all what you see in the mirror. In my head, they did not show you, the picture was beautiful in my head! Where did she come from there? From the network, from the movie, from Glossa. These pictures you see more often than yourself, although it seems like in the mirror you look every day. But you do not consider yourself, but pictures are very carefully. What to do : Treat the Bolyak regular raids to the shops. No need to buy something every week, but it is necessary to try. We argue, are you going to the store, when to wear already in the literal sense? And it is a terrible stress, because there is nothing to buy. In fact, buying there is something, you just need to know the places, first, and secondly - not to represent how one thing may look like you, and also know it. See. Often to see. When will cease to scare your reflection in unusual clothes - you can dive into the bunch of online shopping. Because we sell not only tank covers, of course. But on the network the choice is still more.

Women offend you

Cruise looking and curve nozzle. Casting languages ​​and make a "woman, we have nothing to do with your size." We look at you and whisper with girlfriends. It is better not to go to the network - there is scary: every second Pigalian, two weeks as I bought a subscription to the gym, already imagines myself Phiton and is ready to make a soap from you. "Fu, how can you be so fat?! It's disgusting!" . You can pretend that it does not touch you. But this, of course, is not so. Touch. It hurts. It's offensive. What to do: To understand that the starting mechanism of aggression is not you and not your weight. And not at all weight. Whether you are thin, you might be in their eyes a bad mother, home clubs or just stupid - on the grounds that you work the seller. This is the inner misogonia - the hate of women in relation to women, a phenomenon, flowering in a lush color on the streets of the Fatherland. Triggers are simple as three kopecks. Once - Competition: The ladies humiliate you, making a renewress towards the male audience - I, they say, not like this godrobasin, choose me. Two-issuers of the women's hierarchy in society, where the body of a woman is still "product". Three - "Samadavinovat". It is not only about violence, it is all about everything. Thick? Samadavinovat. And I'm not a fool, this will never happen to me! You will not protect yourself from the inner squeaky, if you lose. But now you at least know that the reason is not at all.

Men offend you

With these, at first glance, it's not so bad - hardly a man will tell you that you, they say, oily. If he is not your husband, of course. Or dad. Or the one you think a friend. And they will say it, it seems like a good despite. And the rest are silent. But the man's employer will not offer you a place if a thin lady responds on the same opening. A man will not suit you on the street and will not say a compliment, even if you really liked him. But in the network, men will not be sealed on bright epithets. The most common - "I would not be blown!" As if you need their smurches, forgive the Lord. I would look at myself, Drychpanpan. What to do: And again it is to understand that the starting mechanism of aggression is not you. And the triggers are again the simplest. Once - you "do not follow me", you turn off the "product-buyer" scheme. Do you want to be, to please the gaze of Mr. His beauty? Iha, broke! Two - again the issue of hierarchy: a man wants to be (or at least seem) by the status male, and thin "female" - it seems like an indispensable attribute of this status. Let everyone be thin, then to him at least something will break. And three - he is afraid of you. Naturally afraid. Through phrases of the "Yes, such a way will dispel!" - Not about bed. Fullness is subconsciously associated with maturity and power. It does not matter who suppressed him there - mom, grandmother or harsh mathematics. It is important that he is still scared that it will repeat. And he attacks, because the attack is the best defense. Fu, what is he miserable.

You despise yourself

And yourself poison yourself. Launched yourself. Spoiled. Lazy creature. Oily, oily, oily! Fu so be. Obviously - you need to lose weight. But it is impossible to lose weight, despising yourself. This is a very simple mechanism: you hate yourself - you are experiencing stress. The body understands that the case is a pipe, and lifts to the blood cortisol. And you suddenly inspirely pull to the refrigerator - this organism is looking for a buzz to relieve stress. Food is an unconditional buzz. And now you have gathered to lose weight, but for some reason you're standing and hamsching a bunch with a servelate. Oh, grief. I'll go on the boards. What to do : deceive the brain. The easiest thing, of course, fall in love, but, alas, it does not happen on request. So, you need to look for a buzz somewhere else. In creativity. In sports. In general, in any other achievements. This means "love yourself." Do not sit in front of the mirror, mumbling "I am fat, but beautiful." And give the brain some other candy, except for food. And never, never despire yourself. Not because you are not worthy of this and blah blah blah. But because your brain will require compensation. Holds.

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