Was Montro full, and Prince - Gay Icon: 10 Commanded delusions from the history of pop culture


Was Montro full, and Prince - Gay Icon: 10 Commanded delusions from the history of pop culture 35914_1

1 erroneously believes that Marilyn Monroe was fuller than today's models

Marilyn Monroe really does not need a presentation. Everyone knows the foundations of her biography, and it often appears in Memakh. And quite often you can see the statements that Marilyn was more ... a plump than modern models. This only suggests that society is becoming more strange in the tastes of beauty, and soon the skin will remain like the actress.

However, the truth is that researchers who tested Monroe's clothes on modern mannequins and compared the difference in the size of women's clothing years later, found that Marilyn probably had about the same weight and shape of the body, as the modern average, idealized model or actress.

2 Prince is considered to be a gay icon, but he witnessed Jehovah in life

This can be a big surprise for those who do not pay attention to the religious views of their favorite celebrities, but the legend of music Prince was a pious witness of Jehovah and, as reported, even went to the houses of people to try to turn them into their faith.

One of the last time, when the performer has ever gave a truly comprehensive interview to the media, he stated that homosexuality is not something good in the eyes of God. He never publicly refused this faith, and when Prince died, drugs were found in his body, such as fentanyl and heroin, which he regularly accepted. During his lifetime, he argued that he often writes at home, but he would not produce all the songs. Perhaps there is a good reason why he did not release them - heroin is not very good for inspiration.

3 Lady Gaga does not believe in breasting sex and is an extremely believer Catholic

Lady Gaga once shocked the world with his crazy leavings, such as the dancing floor is a loud, memorable rhythm, in an almost naked state, a dress from natural raw meat, etc. Reactionaries all over the world accused her in all mortal sins, as well as stating the singer is a threat to children. Lady Gaga became the target of some of the most stupid and ridiculous conspiracy theories that you can only imagine.

Nevertheless, today the show-diva is actually quite a "boring" and "positive" special, which openly speaks of its past problems with the abuse of psychoactive substances. When the singer is not in the tour or does not work, it usually does not even come out of the house. She does not believe in the trunk sex and once tried to dissuade adolescents from him live on the show. She also recalled Satan's mistress in an interview, talking about how evil tries to sneak to people and lure them into their networks. And, of course, she believes that love others and do good - the best solution.

4 Oscar-free films were without main characters

When the "star wars" appeared at the turn of the XXI century, some of the old fans were very upset and extremely disappointed. At this time, the reviewer named "Mr. Prsnelett" became popular (Michael Stokers was hiding under this alias), which in the fluff and dust defeated the "ghostly threat", and continued to revise the mistakes of subsequent films in the trilogy. These reviews were wildly popular and seemed to be like fresh air for some of the most evil fans.

One of the main arguments of Prsnetta, why films were so terrible, consisted in the fact that they needed only one protagonist. He argued that the "Ghost Threat" was simply not good enough at the technical level, because she did not have a pronounced main hero. However, this is a rather weak argument. There are many Oscar-free films in which they were not.

5 Rock and metals disappear due to economic problems

Rock and metal, like musical genres, begin to disappear in obscurity. Although there will always be people who will continue to listen to the old groups, new ones will still appear. Some think that this is because people simply do not like this type of music, or that the younger generation deteriorated on the Internet and he likes only electronic music. However, the truth may be much more banal and simply depend on economic conditions. The fact is that the middle class is reduced for some time, so the idea of ​​creating a garage group with several friends has become something less realistic for most adolescents.

Even those who are the middle class often do not have the purchasing power that they had a couple of decades ago, so they are more likely to choose interesting electronic music, because it can be done using a computer without buying a bunch of expensive equipment. Also, very few people living in private houses are large enough to not annoy the music of the neighbors.

6 Elvis Presley was just a white performer in the "black" genre

Many people love to think about Elvis Presley as a king of rock and roll, and do not even suspect about a number of nuances. Despite the fact that the Presley before his death was a very thick man who regularly abused drugs and moved, many people still worship him today as sex symbol. Also, many think that he wrote all his own songs, but most of them had a co-author, and the Personal contribution of Presley was extremely small.

Sometimes he changed the words in places or added a few words, but for the most part Elvis did not write texts. In fact, most of his songs were written by black authors, such as Otis Blackwell, many of whom worked in such genres as R & B or soul. Now it can now be argued that Elvis was a friend of black artists and helped convey to the white people of the music, which they otherwise would not listen.

7 As the purchasing power falls, trap music is gaining popularity again.

For those who do not know this term, "Trap-music" is a Rap style, created mainly in the southern states of the United States. For him, aggressive texts are characterized, as well as greater use of the synthesizer. Trap is music about drugs and the difficulties of life on the streets. This type of music is becoming increasingly popular, including among the middle class, thanks to the artists as Migos and Gucci Mane.

Some people believe that a splash of popularity is due to the fact that the rap itself and electronic style, which is often united with it today, simply in fashion. Nevertheless, even when white people read rap today, songs that become hits are written in the style of trap. The reason for this is almost certainly associated with depressive economies and a steady reduction in the middle class.

8 censorship is becoming more powerful, but it does not mean that people stopped being rude

Today, many people might think that before the films were much more coarse, cruel and "straight", because censorship did not exist. It is worth remembering at least the series

"Leave it to Brewer" or "psycho" Alfred Hitchcock. In fact, the truth is that although today there is a lot that it is forbidden to show on the screen, people with no less pleasure revise the old "dirty" comedies and laugh at them.

9 marvel and popular superheroes

Today, Marvel has one, extremely successful and "long-playing" franchise. A huge part of her success lies in the crazy number of long-term planning "for the future", slow "promotion" of new heroes and artificial containment of the development of the lines of new heroes. Iron man, incredible halk, black widow, falconry, captain America and torus became synonymous with Marvel and "Avengers", but it was not always like that.

The truth was that the characters, such as the people of X and Spiderman, have just recently received the legal rights to use them both in separate films and in the films of the Avengers series, but in the comics they were extremely important characters, and if Marvel "launched" them in films initially, they would eclipse many characters that "unwound" Marvel. The iron man and galaxy keepers are extremely popular now, but before the emergence of Marvel in the kinematic universe, they could even be called superhero.

10 DC should not be justified, but the story about Superman is very heavy for narration

DC receives many well-deserved reproaches for their recent films. The company wants to achieve the same as Marvel, but without the same level of planning and gradual disclosure of characters. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that DC is extremely dependent on one of its characters. A huge part of the problem is that the story about Superman is incredibly difficult, and most of the new series of DC films was founded mainly around it as an introspective character.

You can come up with literally anything about the character, which for most time is the Almighty God, until it faces cryptonite, and does not turn into a helpless baby. His inner struggle is also completely connected with any of the people. In truth, the superman would look best as a side character that helps from time to time, without the need for self-determination. DC itself installed a very high bar for heroes thanks to the trilogy about the "Dark Knight" Christopher Nolan. Given billion fees from Bentman, DC decided to present all its heroes, including superman, in a darker and dark atmosphere. And, frankly, it is not exactly what people would like to see from the last son of Krypton, who should inspire hope.

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