Rock Passion Agatha Christie: Love and Mesallians


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Today, the books of this English queen detective became a classic and few people are not familiar with her work, but very often we forget that in every book of the writer, one way or another there is a piece of his personality, his alarms and his love. What allowed Agate Christie to become the one she became, if not love?

The Agatha family was very loving and the death of her father is quite wealthy. Agatha was originally a modest and shy girl, which highled it among the other family members. However, it is worth noting that she was quite interesting, played well on piano and attracted young people who often fell in love with her. Agatha was not a heart chapel, but before marriage with Archibald Christi, she managed to seriously fall in love with three grooms.

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It was next to Archibald, for the first time she tried herself in writing, although her husband initially treated this venture, but it was during their marriage that she became a famous writer of popular detectives. Her marriage lasted for more than 10 years, she sincerely loved her husband and could even forgive him to betray him with his partner on Golf Nancy Neal, if he did not insist on a divorce, which she did not want at all. Archibald meant too much in her life and with his departure she felt a constant emptiness, which even her daughter Rosalind could not be filled. But truly significant in the life of the Queen of the detective was her second marriage, who made too much noise in society.

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Max Mallova became the fattest love in the life of the writer. He was undoubtedly interesting, clever and looked like a real English gentleman. He passionately fond of archaeology and for a long time he cared for Agatha Christi, which seemed indifferent to his passion. But the fact is that Marriage with Max could become a real scandal: in the society of that time he would be taken by Mesallians, because Max was 14 years old, the younger than his famous wife, and standing at a lower social stage. At that time, such marriages from the point of view of social morality in the highest circles were practically unacceptable.

However, the couple still secretly combined with a marriage in Edinburgh. Probably, for Agata Christie was a happy marriage, because she loved Max to the end of his life. He undoubtedly loved her too, for she shared all his life and his hobbies, traveling along the excavations of the Middle East, and transferred all the importance of his difficult work. Only thanks to her, his name stands in a series of the names of the greatest archaeologists.

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We can say that Agatha Christie put everything on the altar of his love for her husband, but if she had not done this, it would not be beautifully written books that became symbolic and perfectly reflect the life of their era.

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