7 famous travelers who have proven that women can all


7 famous travelers who have proven that women can all 35903_1

The names of the famous travelers have everyone to hear, but this does not mean that among those who traveled to the most remote land in the 18-19 centners., There were no women. Many of them traveled independently, demonstrating the amazing courage and strength of the Spirit.

Tatyana Pronchishchev

In 1732, the 20-year-old Tatyana Kondirev met the Kronstadt navigator Vasily Zhonishchev and married him. Mutual love of spouses was so strong that, having received the news about the enrollment of Vasily into the Great Northern Expedition, they decided not to part.

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In the summer of 1735, Tatiana took part in swimming toward the mouth of R.OLenyuk, and in the next, 1736th, the ship, the captain of which was her husband, reached the Khatansky Gulf, and then to the polar ice zone. So, Vorkishcheva became the first woman who was at the polar circle. In the harsh northern land, she found eternal rest: At the end of August, Vasily died in the same 1736, and in 2 weeks, Tatyana died. Its name is one of the bays of Taimyr.

Zhanna Barre

When the 22-year-old governess from Burgundy Zhanna Barre fell in love with his employer, the doctor F. Kommeson, she did not suspect how far in the literal sense the word will lead her this novel. In 1766, the comer conceived to go to around the world. Jeanne swelled into a male dress and swam along with him under the guise of a servant.

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Comson during the stops gathered exotic plants, and Zhanna helped him, until the time he stopping all suspicions to his account. Only when the expedition got to Tahiti, Zhanna was exposed, and after some time they landed with his beloved on O. Mauriy. There Komson died, and Jeanne returned to France. The collection of plants collected by her and the comer so much liked the king that he ordered to pay Barre a lifetime retirement.

Elena Blavatskaya

In his first trip - to London and Paris - the daughter of Colonel Ghana went when she was almost 13 years old, but the authentic era of wanderings began later. In 1849, 18-year-old Elena runs away from her husband three months after the wedding, going first to Constantinople, and then in Cairo.

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In 1852, Blavatskaya visited India, and in the 1855th - for the first time, it turned out to be in Tibet, closed for Europeans. In the future, Elena visited North and South America, Japan and Singapore, traveled all over Europe. The desire to know the occult secrets secondally leads Blavatskaya in Tibet, where she spent 3 years, studying esoteric practices in remote monasteries. The experience and knowledge acquired on travels made Blavatsky one of the most famous mystics and theosophists of the 19th century.

Nelli Bly.

In the 2nd floor. 1880s. Nelli Blya was known in the United States as a brave journalist who affected the acute social topics, which her colleagues were afraid of her colleagues: for example, to write a report from a crazy house, she attacked the mentally ill. And therefore no one was surprised when Blya decided to beat the record of the hero of Zh. Vern, who rented the globe for 80 days.

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Arched Arches began on November 14, 1889 and ended exactly 72 days and 6 hours. The journalist crossed the Atlantis in his hands in his hands, met in France with Zh. Mesh, went out of Italy to a new swimming through Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan, overwhelmed another ocean - quiet - and returned with the triumph in the United States.

Gertrude Bell

It is difficult to say who more was the Englishwoman Gertrude Bell: a traveler or scout. The taste for wanderings and adventures woke up in it in 1892, when, together with the family of uncle-diplomat, 24-year-old Gertruda fell into Tehran.

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It is fascinated by the mysterious world of the East, and, having learned Arabic, Bell in 1899 goes to the first journey through Mesopotamia. In the subsequent decade, Gertruda will not only oversee all the Arab countries, becoming in the tents of the Bedouins and the Palaces of Sheikhs, but will also be the secret tasks of the British intelligence agency. It is believed that it is thanks to Bell on the world map, such a state appeared as Iraq.

Alexandra David Neel

If it were not for the acquaintance with E. Blavatskaya, it was unlikely that Alexander would become a traveler, but her stories awakened to David-Neele a passionate desire to get to Tibet. The path turned out to be a thorny: from 1911, David Neel lived in India, but only in 1924 she managed to reach Lhasa.

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Returning to Europe, she wrote a book about his journey, and in 1937 he went to Tibet again, this time through the USSR. Achieving Lhasa Alexandra prevented the Japanese-China War, and until 1946 she lived in Buddhist monasteries in China. Until the end of his life, who lasted 100 years, David Neel was tirelessly promoted Tibetan Buddhism, writing about him without a small twenty books.

Kristina Khojnovskaya-Liskievich

In the 2nd half of the 20th century. I am surprised by the journey became complicated, but the native of Warsaw Khojnovskaya-Liskievich it was possible. She became the first woman who risked alone to overtake the globe on a sailing yacht.

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After starting on March 28, 1976, in the capital, Canar, Christina conducted on the way on the road 401, returned to Las Palmas on April 21, 1978. Swimming of Christina got into the Guinness Book of Records, and the Polish government awarded it with the Order and Medal.

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