15 moments worth avoiding traveling to be understood correctly


15 moments worth avoiding traveling to be understood correctly 35902_1

Many things that people make every day will be considered completely disrespectful and rude in other parts of the world. Although most of the points in this list are stupid or ridiculous, if you do not take into account others, it can even cost life. We give examples of some cultural errors that should not be done while traveling.

1. Touching the head of people (some parts of Asia)

Being in Asia, you should never stroke people on your head and touch their scuff. Just do not need to do it. In some cultures of Southeast Asia, especially in Thailand and Laos, the head is considered sacred, and you just never know what kind of "perversion" will try, trying to touch it.

2. Embed through someone (Nepal)

Since the legs are considered "dirty" in the most part of South Asia, the Nepalese will be very offended if they cross through someone (in particular, cross through the elongated legs). It is better to just get around.

3. Handshake through the threshold (Russia)

In Russia, an attempt to shake someone's hand through the threshold can lead to misunderstanding. In fact, here even press your hand or transfer anything through the threshold - not a very good idea. As the local superstition says, it is to failure. Therefore, the Russians prefer to wait until another person crosses through the threshold (or will do it yourself).

4. Fast greeting (Morocco)

In Morocco, it is considered impolite, seeing a friend on the street, just tell him "Hi" and continue to go further. It is worth preparing for the fact that when you see your friends on the street, you will have to discuss families, children and health with them. Oddly enough, in some cases, these issues are found out by both parties at the same time, and no one simply is waiting for an answer to the other side.

5. Thumb Up (Iran)

Usually the "thumb up" gesture is perceived as a pretty positive gesture and approval expression, it is not recommended to be used in Iran and some other countries of the Middle East. In these countries, it is traditionally interpreted as the most disgusting insults and, of course, this gesture should be avoided.

6. Shake hand when meeting or give gifts with left hand (Indian subcontinent / Middle East)

If someone plans to spend some time in the Middle East or on the Indian subcontinent, he should be used to thinking not to use the left hand to eat or even pass things to people. In many cultures, this is considered unclean due to the fact that the left hand is used to get into the bathroom.

14 Handshakes between the floors (Middle East)

In the whole Muslim world, the interwacing handshake can be interpreted very differently. Although the rules of such a significant difference vary, in fact it is worth thinking twice before shaking your hand, touch or, in some cases, even look at someone opposite sex.

13 Public Manifestations of Love (Saudi Arabia)

Next will follow several advice in love that they want to visit Dubai or Saudi Arabia. If you walk down the street with another person, it is necessary to avoid public manifestations of affection. This includes kisses, keeping hands and even embrace. If, of course, I don't want to get closer to local prisons ... This has repeatedly happened to numerous tourists in the past.

12 okay gesture (Brazil)

Let's go back to hand gestures. This gesture should be avoided at least during a visit to Brazil. After all, the fact that around the world means "Okay", in Brazil is regarded approximately as the middle finger.

10 stick sticks for food vertically in a bowl with rice (Asia)

Making a break in food in almost any Asian country, which uses wands for food, it is desirable not to stick them vertically in the rice bowl. For the most part, this makes at the funeral and, therefore, it is to be considered extremely impolite in relation to the owner of the house and all those present by the elderly.

9 Insult King (Thailand)

Although in Thailand and so one of the most stringent laws in the world, the last thing is to do here is to insult the king. In fact, reasonably nothing to talk about the royal family. As some unfortunate residents of the West found out, even if they put like a disrespectful post about the king on Facebook, this was enough to get a decent prison sentence.

8 Availability of "Drugs" with yourself (Southeast Asia)

Although the presence of certain drugs with itself is punishable in most countries, the list of prohibited substances differs significantly in different countries. For example, in Southeast Asia, many medicines sold without a recipe in the United States and Europe can lead not only to the conclusion, but even to execution. In fact, given the locals almost the most toughest drug laws in the world, it will be reasonable not to take medications with them, prescription. Numerous inhabitants of the West in the past discovered how fast justice can be justice in this region.

7 Chewing gum (Singapore)

Not only to chew a gum in Singapore is illegal, but illegal is even to import a chewing in Singapore even by chance. Therefore, if you want to spend time in court, explaining why you are not a smuggling, it is worth leaving chewing gum at home.

6 Food in public during Ramadan (Saudi Arabia)

During the month, Ramadan, if someone turns out to be in Saudi Arabia, will not be in his interest in public. Not only the locals will look with hatred, but also the like punishable by law.

4 Do not shake your hand in the room (Austria)

Perhaps many noticed that in some places the rules of the handshake of people can be a bit confusing. In some countries, for example, in Austria, a person must shake his hand to everyone in any room in which he enters.

3 Give an even colors (Russia)

In Russia, if someone wants to give to another flowers, he should be convinced that in the bouquet an odd number of colors. Everything is simple - an even amount in a bouquet is used only at a funeral, and a gift can be interpreted as a call to die.

2 Tough or do not eat all (parts of Asia)

While in many places to choke everything that was on plates is considered as a good act or, at least, it implies that a person liked the food, in some Asia countries it is worth leaving something on a plate. If "weakened" everything will be cleaned, it will mean that the owner did not give enough food, and the guest remained hungry. And this is truly an epic insult.

1 Do not break off while eating (parts of Asia)

As mentioned above, if you do not leave some food on a plate in some parts of Asia, it will definitely insult the owner. Therefore, if you want to make him a compliment, you just need ... bother. It will be flattened.

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