7 biggest mistakes that make mistresses when baking potatoes


7 biggest mistakes that make mistresses when baking potatoes 35894_1

Who does not like baked potatoes. The taste of her gentle, melting in the mouth and crispy salty peel a sign of many since childhood.

But for many people, the dream of the perfect potato baked is just inaccessible. It would seem that there is a difficult thing here - bake potatoes in a hot oven, but in practice it is often a bit of charred skin, then unambiguous rooted roots. The thing is that most owners do the following errors when cooking.

1. Bad drying of potatoes

Before baking potatoes, it is necessary to rinse it to remove any dirt and garbage. You can even brush it with a brush for vegetables. But after that, the whole potatoes must necessarily dry well. Excess moisture on the peel can be leaked to potatoes during baking and lead to a deprived skin.

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You also need to not forget a few holes in the peel of each potato, so that it does not crack in the oven.

2. Watching potatoes in foil

In fact, even many cooks allow this error, believing that this is the key to cooking perfect baked potatoes. But it turns out that you only spoil the peel if you do it.

The perfect skin of the baked potato depends on a certain degree of dehydration and rehydration. If you bake it in foil, then all moisture from potatoes will simply return back to the peel, which will not lead to anything good.

3. Do not put the grid under potatoes

Potatoes should be completely drunk, and for this, hot air should fall on it from all sides. If potatoes are baked only one side, which concerns the opposition, it will never get even evenly.

It is necessary to put a thin grille on the baking tray, and already put potatoes on it, and so that there are small gaps between the potoshins.

4. Oven too hot

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Ideal baked potatoes can be made only if you cook it slowly. It must be prepared at a temperature of 150 ° C for 90 minutes. If there is no time so much, you can raise the temperature to 230 ° C and bake for 45 minutes. It is worth noting that baking time depends on the size of potatoes and the heating rate of the oven.

In no case cannot be lifted temperatures above 230 ° C, otherwise the peel will begin charring. And since the meaning of perfectly baked potatoes is that the peel was the same tasty, as well as the "inside," cannot be allowed.

5. Do not check the temperature of the potatoes

For a good mistress it is no secret that you need to check how ready meat, changing its temperature inside. At the same time, everything for some reason forget that the same applies to baked potatoes. Therefore, in the kitchen, it is clearly not an excess thermometer. The temperature inside the potatoes should be from 95 to 100 ° C. If it is below, the texture may be too dense, and if it is higher, then inside the potatoes will turn into a cleaner.

6. Oil and salt before baking

No need to lubricate potatoes with oil and rub the salt to baking, you need to do it at the end of cooking. It was then that these ingredients will bring the greatest benefit in terms of texture and aroma. If you smear the potatoes too early, the peel may not become crispy. Salt can also cut potatoes when baking.

Instead, you need to quickly add oil and salt after the potatoes reach the temperature of 95 ° С: I reset the baking sheet out of the oven. After that, the baking sheet is put in the oven for another 10 minutes - the temperature of the potato during this time will not rise by more than 2 or 3 degrees. The oil will make the skin crunch, dehydrated during a long baking, and salt will give a delicious taste.

7. Give potatoes to cool before cutting

Unlike meat, potatoes do not get better with time. It must be cut immediately. If you do not do this, it will hold water in a soaring core and becomes too dense and sticky.

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It is necessary to quickly pierce with a gear knife every potato, as soon as the tray is removed from the oven. After that, you need to slightly compress each potato (hand in the kitchen mitten or towel) to expand the hole and create additional ventilation.

So, the perfect baked potato is ready.

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