7 ways to help win the personal space in the family



Psychologists have proven that the need for a personal space is not a fault and a whim, and quite a real condition for the normal functioning of any human body. We will tell you how to organize yourself comfort and nuns in a single cell of society.

Go to the corner!

The notorious apartment question spoiled many, if not all. That is why many are like easy to sit in the toilet: they put the bookshelves there, the stands for a laptop and almost the coffee tables are simply the only place where you can be alone (if you are not a mother of a couple of children who will start to break in a second and a half smoothly ). At home you must have a place where you can stay alone at least for a while and which will only be yours. Let it be a desktop, a favorite chair or a separate room - anyway. The main thing is that the husband knows that this place is exclusively and only yours. If you made a cool repair, demolished all the walls and now you have a fashionable Open-Space at home, then hide on an hour or other in the toilet. Several generations of Russians can not be mistaken.

My darling!!


Subject space - These are things that are yours, only yours and draws more. Gadgets, clothes, yes, anything. It is important to remember that everyone is different in different ways: someone turns into a fire dragon if shifting his papers on the right side of the table on the left, and someone completely calmly treats the fact that an unfamiliar woman once a week disassembles all things in The closet and hangs them so that you will not find. Determined the boundaries of their subject space and clearly report their spouse: do not touch your cosmetics, panties to put on the place and in general, let it stop, finally carry your cat!

Right to mystery

Spit into the eye to those who mean that the right to mystery needs only those who have something to hide. We are talking about yours Personal information space - And this is very important! Do not tell some episodes from the past, family bikes about the new year-1989, when Papyka was shown to someone to the ass, and the girls of the secrets you have a full right.

Emotion as you want

It rarely, which annoys as much as an attempt to impose the controversial rules that and how to feel. You have full right to your own Emotional space , That is, on your own idea about when you feel sad when you have fun, and when to let me in a tear, limited only by public norms of morality and morality (well, that is, it is better not to dance and laugh at all the throat at the funeral). Therefore, let the husband stoitically tolerate your crocodile tears regarding our victory at the Olympics or joyful sliding laughter on the occasion of his epic fall from the ladder. I chose it myself - let him tolerate!

Time for yourself


Agree with my husband that you have personal time That you use at your own discretion - you meet with girlfriends, you walk with my mother, you are looking for a recipe for eternal youth, you organize the sunset by hand or hankos on the ice cream, in short, you do everything that your dumbfounded. As practice shows, a reasonable part of men is enough to tell where you and how much will you be at home.

Naturally, all these spaces of space work for your husband smoothly just like for you, so I will be able to respect and its borders

Personal Time for Two

If you have children, then definitely allocate time only for yourself: children - to grandmother (or to nanny!), And for yourself - in the cinema, in bed, in a restaurant, walk, wherever, most importantly - together. The thing is that the husband is also part of your personal space that requires attention, care and love, so do not forget about him in trying to win your cup, half of the cabinet and place under the sun.

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