45 pieces that make a man irresistible


45 pieces that make a man irresistible 35887_1

Male floor - he, of course, is weak, but beautiful. But we love his representatives not only for it :)

And if seriously, then - yes, let's see, we look at the appearance. On beautiful strong hands, a high forehead with a negligent strand, wrinkles from a smile, that's all this. But do not cry, brothers: Your beautiful soul does not remain unclaimed, honestly to honestly! Because we are just a ballad, when you, an awesome man ...

one. You crawl out from under the blanket into unpretentious seven in the morning, because you can't do not fulfill the obligation, although on the face tormented by the pillow, it is written: "Polysm for sleeping."

2. You need help - and you yourself helps someone.

3. Carefully listen long outpouring and do not look at the watches.

four. They answer on the complaint not: "And I would have done everything on the contrary to your place!", A: "Yes, I understand you. I know this too, you know ... "

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five. Move your ego with a light movement of the shoe sock and forgive the stupid offender, who is already an evil cormorant.

6. Immediately giveaway in the game to the smoking small nephew.

7. Trying how can you pick up your neighbor.

eight. It is hot and inspired to argue about what really worries you.

nine. Help your grandmother to register in Facebook and explain to her about the husky.

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10. You throw a bad funny Selfie - purely to smile smiled.

eleven. We slow down with the words: "Oh, you just look like there is beautiful!"

12. Smile to a stranger. Generally - smile in the whole face!

13. Take a call. Although the situation, if it is honest, you strain.

fourteen. Suddenly defend someone who has already been swamped: "Well, there is something good in it ..."

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fifteen. Do not go to the cheese.

sixteen. Do not ignore birthdays and even remember the date of our first meeting.

17. We say mouth: "I missed you".

eighteen. Send them: "I love you."

nineteen. Correct: "You sorry, I was wrong."

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twenty. Do not watered the chief with fear, even if he gave you a hot day.

21. In a soulful day, throw in Skype encouraging a note or a funny owl.

22. Sweep your favorite song.

23. You say: "Well, well, you are not to blame for here."

24. You read something about self-development or device universe.

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25 A little confused.

26. Show the road lost pair, a carcass card.

27. You tell a foolish story - and you yourself are not kept and starting to laugh over it.

28. Make a compliment.

29. At the age of thirty, I listen to grandfather's favorite story about how he once saw the living Kobzon once.


thirty. Substitute the face of the rain.

31. You can not resist and make a "PCU-PCU" encountered a pretty cops.

32. You say: "I don't want to go there, right? Well, do you want, I will go with you? "

33. We inform a serious look that a good horoscope promises to us today.

34. When we have already agreed and turned off Skype, send SMS: "Let you dream of a unicorn!"

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35 Acknowledge that it turned out awkward, and trying to correct the situation.

36 I sincerely thank.

37. Come on a hard day not harsh: "It's just a complete triple", and calm: "I hope everything will be done tomorrow."

38. We hug firmly and gently, well, just like a big panda.

39. Make a desperate attempt to remember.

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40. You go out to meet, if late, even if I'm tired and already pereobulsya in slippers.

41. You assure it warmly that it is even aware that this is such a nonsense, and then they say conciliatively: "Well, maybe, let's not, let's google."

42. Trying to raise someone's mood.

43. Laughing over yourself.

44. When the truth is seriously fucking, do not depict iron woodcutters.

45. You say: do not cry, poor little chicken, well, do I want to drive for chocolate?

Based on the materials of thoughcatalog.com

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