Anchoxing - a new way to hypnotize the child


Anchoxing is not a ban on boxing classes. This video is about how someone invisible turns the packaging. For some reason, it is impossible to get off.

It is believed that the first angoxing video was published in 2006, and unfolded in it Nokia E61. By the end of 2006, the request for "UnBoxing Video" became increasingly registering by search engines. At first, they turned out mostly digital techniques and luxury items, but gradually the situation came to the fact that if there is something on sale, then somewhere in the network there are a video of how this something unfolds. Some companies post their videos themselves, others send their novelties with noble deployers. For free, of course.

Our author had to use the video for anchorage (not yet knowing what it is) before buying a robust flax. To understand what it is actually size, how to turn it on-turn off, as it looks like when it works. Before buying through the Internet, the things you have never seen in the eyes, it is a pretty reasonable precaution.

But the most profan number of views wounds video blocks, unfolding toys. The champion today is a lady with a blatant silver-blue manicure, which unpacks a row in a row purchased for the sale of kindersurprises, saying something like "Oh, cool!" Or "and there is no candy in it." This masterpiece that scored more than one hundred million views. Green wall. Blue table. Nails and rings. Everything.

We in decided to watch video to the end. Everything and more perplexity came ... And then the child came running, looked into the monitor, hung up with an enthusiastic face and at the end of the clip exhaled "Once again, at first, pozhaaaluista!"

The child was distracted by ice cream and thought. Apparently, the term Toy-Porn appeared not by chance. A simple search for Russian-language YouTube discovered the great many young and not very unfolders of Lego sets, Winks, World of Tanks (yes!) And multicolored rubber, developing toys, ponies and all the soul wishes.

In principle, many of the video even have some meaning - before you buy a three-year-old son, a leggy star of death, you can carefully see how long it is formed to collect it, as far as it is fragile and how often you will leave the non-Parliamentary expressions at night, making your barefoot to the toilet. By the way, in the children's angoxing video, the young unpackingman himself is visible in the frame, and not just hands, as in adult unpacks. Or the hands of an adult appear due to the camera to help.

For example. (4 million views, yes yes)

PICS.RU conducted an experiment. On one half of the screen, this unpacking (no sound) was then, on the other - Disney Winnie Pooh. The child looked at unpacking.

We consider this paradox requires a scientific investigation and a pair of dissertations. British scientists, ay?!

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