Men with whom it is better not to get involved, because they are guaranteed to break the heart


Men with whom it is better not to get involved, because they are guaranteed to break the heart 35884_1
We are all unpredictable and sudden, but in the matter of relationship always want stability and at least some guarantees. Experts argue that everything is possible. That is, not everything, of course, but something to understand in several signs is quite real. If all the lower listed about you, legs in your hands and run.

He claims that he does not want anything serious and does not call it "relationship"

The most common case when a man tells you that is not looking for and does not wait for love. This is an extremely tricky trap, in which you will probably come. After these words, you decide that if he is with you, it falls in love, it means you are a special and only one.

Then cold, then hot

Men with whom it is better not to get involved, because they are guaranteed to break the heart 35884_2
At times, he is very attentive and all in you, and then disappears for three weeks. You apologize and justify him. He is busy and all that. Yes, he is busy, and not by you.

He does not plan anything

Or he plans, but cancels everything in the last minutes. This means the following: or he "married" at his work, he has a very rich social life. Or he is simply not ready to compromise and share agreement with you. You just hang out somewhere between the latest items of its priorities. And he enters you into its schedule when there is a window.

He does not want to get acquainted with your family

Not in the sense of "looting" and "ware", but simply avoids any intersection. To acquaint you with your loved ones, he also does not hurry.

He does not call you his girlfriend

Men with whom it is better not to get involved, because they are guaranteed to break the heart 35884_3
He carefully tries to avoid at least somehow designate your status. Presents you solely by name. And even a joke does not allow you to call your connection somehow.

He hides his phone

When you together his phone is always outside the foreseeable zone. When the phone is calling, he often does not take the phone. It may be an alarming sign. It is quite possible, he is entirely completely given to your time together, but maybe he just prefers to communicate with someone else. And alone. This is not a very good sign.

He is a picer

He all the time talks about how you spend time with his friends, at the cottage with parents, go together on vacation, shop hamster, Iguan, baby, but in fact it does not take any steps towards that this actually happens . So, or he is just a harmless and useless dreamer, or he has thoughtful sly, who feeds the nightingale by the bikes, because he knows what you want to hear.

He still communicates with his former

Men with whom it is better not to get involved, because they are guaranteed to break the heart 35884_4
Be careful if he often mentions his former or with someone of them continues to communicate. Remember, this is his war. He or all this did not survive and did not overrive the emotional "umbilical umbilical" of his previous relations. He will not be closer to you, even if they are good friends with the former. With such a situation, the place of a friend does not shine. And you will just be just a mistress.

He all the time whines and complains you

In short, he confuses you with his psychologist or some doctor, you are "his emotional crutch". This is a very bad sign. He, apparently, automatically transferred you to the Friend Zone, it is not shyful to you to tell your stupid problems and even dreams. Here or something to change or leave, and then one day you will hear the request to squeeze his pimple on his forehead. And my mother did not give birth for this.

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