How I Made a Tattoo: Catics names friends!



We have long wanted to write about women and tattoos and asked Bella Rapoport to tell about their experience. Why beat the tattoo, whether it hurts and how to meet old age (PICS.RU assumes that it is necessary to meet it having fun and in what you like) with tattoos of cats - read in her column.

Birth of dreams

My youth fell at the end of the 90s. Then there were acids of acidic colors, heavy shoes and piercing with tattoos in large quantities - Keith Flint from Prodigy At that time, still remained the role-playing model and style icon. I had heavy shoes, but it did not work with the tattoo. Instead, I pierced the navel. Twice (first earrings for some reason split).

Then I was skyr's search for the search for other pleasures, although I continued to cherish the dream of a tattoo, and everything ended with a family life, in which my partner forbade me to make tattoos and punch my nose. It seemed to him with stupidity, and for some reason it seemed normal to me that a stranger (even if not too) a person points to me that it was possible, and what could not be done with my body.

As a result, we broke up (the best event in my life), a little later I became a feminist, and as an act of liberating the nose. But it was still not solved on the tattoo. Not that I was restrained by the rake stereotypes like "and how it will look in old age," but I was always difficult to venture on something for the first time. In addition, there was no plot, master and money.

Coppino - the most truthful kitten

The plot for the first tattoo was found suddenly. I began to reread your favorite childhood writer, Janni Rodari, and found not only the intersection with my current views, but also an extremely nice character, practically my Maskota: Coppino from the fairy tale "Jelsomino in the country of Lgunov". Kitten (and I, like any decent feminist, crazy about cats) I could have been crazy in my chalk paw, just writing on the wall of the exposure of the deceiver king, and he also taught the caressing cats meow - yes it's practically me!

Because the kitten is drawn on the wall with a chalk contour, then it was not scary to do it the first tattoo. I found an illustration of a Polish book, and a familiar feminist-tattoo driver from Moscow, during his visit to Petersburg quickly nabe her. Everything took 10 minutes, it was rather not painful, but pleasant, healed like on the dog, and I immediately wanted the second.

Cat and mirror Venus


I have been waiting for the second tattoo: I again had problems with the plot, master and money, but Valya, the same tattoo driver, drew a postcard for my birthday. The postcard was a mirror of Venus with a fist (a feminist symbol), which peacefully sleeps cat. Cat, you see! On the mirror Venus with a fist! Of course, I immediately understood that "in old age it will look" beautiful. That is - you need to beat.

More than six months I drove to the Moscow Studio. At the last moment I fell into a panic: I could not decide on my hand or on my leg. "There is already one cat on your hand, and no one will see for a long time," I argued (November). After the message of the girlfriend, that, seeing two cats on my hands, everyone will think that I am a cat, I decided that I was she, and there was nothing to be ashamed. And chose the wrist. And we started. And it was hurt. Very painful. It was painful when they beat the contour. It was even more painful when they beat the fill. When they beat the shadows, I could only lie silently, a semi-silence of my eye, and occasionally shudderfully shudder.

Three hours of continuous exhausting pain. The closer to the palm, the more painful. Hike to a dentist - nonsense compared to this pain. Is that especially painful menstruation when it seems that your insides are wound on the plug and cool, it was still possible to compare with what I experienced. I was terribly exhausted, I even imagined childbirth (may you forgive me who gave birth to this Kramol). I did not believe that I would come out from there. And then everything ended.

I wrapped my hand with a film and let go of the ravis. And I went, terribly satisfied, and as if not even tired. And even visited the day in the bar and visiting, everywhere, as if by chance, opening his heroic hand in the film. I will not describe a long time as I soap soap and smeared with Bpanten my cat, as it was restrained, so as not to scratch, when it was, as I wanted to pick a crust from him. Now the cat is peacefully sleeping on my right hand and is friends with the fact that on the left. And it seems they are asking to buy them more brother or sister. And then ten. In the end, I still have a leg. And the other. And back. And in old age I will look great, I am sure.

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