10 fatal phrases that destroy relationships with her husband


10 fatal phrases that destroy relationships with her husband 35872_1
Perhaps many women do not even realize that there are phrases that can provoke a man not only on the scandal, but also to break a family relationship. Therefore, if you dream of a calm and happy family life, then these phrases are worth remembering and excluded from their lexicon.

1. "You are to blame for everything"

Continuous accusations will not lead to anything good. In any conflict, you should look for a solution to the problem that has appeared, and not accuse each other in its occurrence. Marriage consists of two people, which means that both will be to blame for both.

2. "You already have enough"

It is strictly forbidden to defeat the spouse, pull it over the sleeve in the company with other people. Men can only hint that it's time to finish any action.

3. "And I said"

No one is immune from making mistakes, and only a stupid woman will reproach his spouse in their commit. The spouse needs to support his wife, not moraling, because he himself realizes that it was not right.

4. "I am infuriated when he does it"

This phrase, spoken in the company of foreign people, first of all, lays out a woman, and then her spouse. The humiliation of the spouse demonstrates the lack of respect for him, then what kind of love can talk about.

5. "You do not do everything"

Such phrases towards a man kill the desire to do in it. It is important for him to feel like a real hero for his spouse.

6. "What do you think"

At first glance, a harmless phrase, however, she is able to scribe any man. Whatever provoke conflicts, a woman should forget about its existence.

7. "But my former guy ..." "

You can never compare the current spouse with your past partner. This applies not only to intimate issues, but also household.

8. "Do the choice ..."

Ultimatum is not the best way to achieve anything from a man. Most partitions occur after a woman puts the choice between his hobby and relationship with her. It is necessary to choose a different way to switch the attention of a man on his woman.

9. "Why do I need this nonsense"

If a man decides to present a gift to his spouse, then it is necessary to take it with a smile and gratitude. Let this thing are completely unattractive and not necessary, but should not express their discontent. Ultimately, the man will stop making gifts at all.

10. "You are time to lose weight"

Such phrases are able to offend any man. Perhaps he will not show his insult, but she will be covered in his head. Any reproaches towards a man hurt the male ego.

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