5 male phrases that drive a woman crazy (in a bad sense)


5 male phrases that drive a woman crazy (in a bad sense) 35870_1

Men very often do not think at all over what they say, because of what they make serious resentment and insults. Moreover, most of the representatives of the strong floor do not perceive it seriously, inspired by insisting that they did not say anyone. But the women perceive male phrases in their own way and make their own conclusions. And no matter how men are not indignant about the silly female logic, some provocative phrases are better not to pronounce them, otherwise difficult times in relationships.

1. "The woman must obey his man in everything."

Woman nothing should her man, like him she. All the good deeds, care and caressing should be sincere, and not forced, otherwise it is not love. A man should not command his beloved, to force her to fulfill his orders, shouting at her if she did not listen, because in her eyes he could quickly turn from a loving man in real tyrant. And this narcissist phrase will not justify the actions of a man, but only will only get out of a woman and make her think about the fact that she was not on the way with the authority tyrant.

2. "All women are the same."

The most popular, stupid and mantle for women phrase. After all, if all women are the same, then why a man chose a beautiful, well-groomed and modest woman, and not the one that was hanging on him all the time, really loved to drink and walk in a noisy company? So there is a difference? And in appearance and in spiritual terms, all women differ from each other, concerning only in certain interests and character traits. If a man does not understand this, he should imagine the situation where his woman says a similar thing about him. Will he be nice? Hardly.

3. "What can you understand, you're a woman!"

If a woman does not like to go fishing, watch football or engage in the gym, it does not mean that she is stupid, so it will never be able to figure it out. It is always inappropriate to indicate a person on sexuality, because there are no purely male or female interests, everywhere there are exceptions. Therefore, there are women who are better than many men disassemble in machines. And there are men who cannot tolerate fishing, because they prefer to spend time more actively. Every person has its own interests and preferences, so you should not blame him if he doesn't understand something.

4. "This is not a male thing."

Some men quite seriously believe that they are not created in order to wash the floors, wash clothes or cook food, because it is absolutely not a male occupation. But, if a man remains to live himself? He will fly every day in dust and dirt, is with unwitted dishes and drive cockroaches with packages from the products quickly cooking? A similar phrase man only justifies his laziness, uncleanness and attitude towards a woman as a dishwasher. Here is a behavior and is not a male business.

5. "Yes, if I feel ..."

A good man always supports his beloved and often helps her, getting her gratitude, love and response actions in response. But he will never blow a woman in what he did for her five years ago, even if this act in the best way influenced her life. After all, sincere love is an altruistic feeling that does not require anything in return. Therefore, such reproaches on the part of the separator, a woman will take in the bayonets, as it does not want to feel the answer all my life, I don't want anyone from the representatives of the fine sex.

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