Rules of healthy eating for women depending on their age group


Rules of healthy eating for women depending on their age group 35866_1

Women pay a lot of attention to their appearance, strive to extend the youth to the most with a variety of professional procedures, numerous cosmetics. At the same time, few people pay attention to their food, and in many ways the health of the woman, its mood, skin condition, etc. depends on it.

With the help of proper nutrition, you can keep your weight under control without tedious diets and with minimal physical exertion, speed up the process of recovery of cells throughout the body.

Even those who try to adhere to healthy nutrition, never pay attention to their age, and after all, the correct ration is made necessarily taking into account the age of a woman. Only in this case, you can make a menu that will really benefit will make it possible to achieve the desired result.

Diet up to 20 years

Young girls and women at this age are striving to be fashionable, and now thinness imposed in fashion. As a result, they try to eat less, and some suffer their body with starvation at all. This categorically impossible to do under the age of twenty years. At this time, the body is still growing, and therefore needs a lot of vitamins, trace elements. The lack of them leads to the development of a variety of diseases. Often fasting becomes the cause of anorexia, which is seriously treatment, and in some cases it becomes the cause of death.

At this age it is very important that the power is balanced. Every day, food products should be eaten, which contain in them the number of calcium and magnesium. Such are seeds, nuts, wholegrain products, leafy vegetables. It is required to the growing organism of the fiber contained in fruits and vegetables, as well as omega-3, which is most in flax, seeds of chia and fish. For normal growth, the muscles require a protein contained in spinach, eggs and chicken meat. You can get the right amount of zinc from such products like chicken meat, bran, beef, pork, legumes, milk.

Nutrition aged 20-30 years

This is an age when there are mainly no health problems, and therefore it is practically not deleted. Often there is not enough time to establish the right power mode, often everything is limited to fast snacks, it comes down to the use of products with a high calorie content. Such nutrition leads to serious problems in the exchange of substances, as well as in the digestive system.

It is important that at this age women in sufficient quantity used foods that are rich in iron and vitamin V. Iron a lot in such products like seeds, beefs and calfs liver, sea cabbage, buckwheat, red lentils, nuts. Vitamin B in large quantities is contained in leaf green vegetables, fish, eggs and mushrooms.

Food rules at 30-40 years

After thirty, it should be reduced as much as possible to reduce the consumption of sugar, as well as to abandon the use of beverages, which contain caffeine. In his daily diet, you should introduce avocado, wholegrain, legumes and dark chocolate at this time.

Meals in 40+

From this age, the brain's deterioration can be observed, which will manifest itself with problems with the concentration of attention. To avoid such problems, women are recommended to be introduced into the diet of Sardines and Macrel. The peculiarity of such fish is the content of antioxidant SQ10. It is required at this time to receive in large quantity vitamin B, as it helps to rebuild the body during menopause. Experts advise you to enter the NUTU, linen seeds and seeds, which contribute to an increase in the number of female hormones.

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