Elizabeth taxis! English Queen - 90. It's time to meet her


Elizabeth The second rushed to the throne aged twenty-five years, after the death of his father, King George VI, and is the longest monarch in the history of Great Britain. And all this time disputes do not subscribe to the expediency of the existence of the monarchy. Let them argue. But this woman is a real queen! How is it, be a real queen, not an impostor?

Queen does not need a passport to go on a trip

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The queen can love anyone, but she loves Corgi

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And horses

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And son. Because he is a prince

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The queen wrote the first e-mail in 1976!

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They say that she has a pillow with the inscription "Good to be Queen"

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Queen "Topit" for the Football Club "Arsenal"

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Under Elizabeth II changed 12 prime ministers

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Formally, all swans in the UK belong to the queen

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Queen has a system of secret signs "for their"

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All its outfits are numbered. This is not repeated

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She is given something all the time. That turtles. Then iPod.

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Played myself in the movie more than 120 times!

Elizabeth taxis! English Queen - 90. It's time to meet her 35865_13

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