Google Maps: Pentagram in Pioneer Berer, House-Swastika in the USA and not only


Have you ever seen a lake in the form of a person? And a huge Satanian star in a pioneer camp? With the advent of Google Map, we have the opportunity to see any section of the earth from a bird's eye view. And there is something to see. We made a selection of interesting places with reference to the map. See, Enjoy, Terribly.

Leninu-100 years

Leninu-100 years

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The inscription is located near the village of Arkhangelsk in Bashkiria. The century of the leader, as you know, was widely noted throughout the union. Anyway, everyone wanted to prove that he loves Ilyich stronger than the rest. Bashkir communists made a figured forest, which in a few decades turned into a small grove. The height of letters is 30-35 meters, the length of the inscription is about three hundred.

Rings near Rosellla

Circles in Roswell

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The town of Roswell in New Mexico is famous for the same incident, which for a long time provided the work of writers and film books. Recall that there, allegedly crashed UFOs. Not far from the airfield in the desert we can see strange circles. The diameter of the large - 130 meters. And now click on the link and remove the card slightly. Just above on the left, another mysterious image is a huge anose -ced triangle. What it is? We yourself would like to know.



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This unusual artificial lake is located in the northeast of Scotland. The size of the reservoir is 250 meters, it is located on the territory of the entertainment center of the Locker. On this lake, by the way, excellent fishing! Here are specially bred large fish for guests.

House-Swastika on the military base in the USA


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In the town of Koronado in the United States there is a naval base, which is considered one of the main command centers of MMF on the west coast. The base as a base, if not a complex of buildings in the form of four letters L. In any case, the military explains the form of buildings built in the sixties. But when the Google Map service appeared, people reviewed the striking similarity of buildings with a swastika.

Satanian Pentagram in Pioneerland


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In the Denisovsky district, the Kustanai region of Kazakhstan, on the Verkhovtyobolskov Veshrannie is an unfinished pioneer camp. If you look at it from a height, you can clearly see the pentacle of the right form. Maybe, of course, architects had a pioneer asterisk or something else, but for some reason, looking at it, completely different thoughts climb.

Triangle target in Nevada, USA


Link to the triangle Link to "Zone 51"

Nevada is famous not worse than Roswell. It is here that the notorious "zone 51" is located, it is here that nuclear tests are carried out and in general means mysteriousness and secrecy. In the Mojava desert there is a very strange triangle with the correct circles inscribed in it. Each side of the triangle is 1200 meters. It feels like this target for aliens. Like, sit here, it's safe here. And for themselves, to beat guests, and in the "zone 51".

Huge target


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In the same place in the Nevada desert there is another huge target, right as in a dash. If all stories with the aliens are true, they have already managed to draw a target for accurate gunning guns. Or maybe this is a place to plant a ship.

Higant desert Atakama

Giant Atakama

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The fact that in South America, wise aborigines lived everyone. Everyone knows that they left behind interesting artifacts. But few have seen them on the map. And the spectacle, I must say fascinating. Click on the link. This image is called "Tarapak". It is located in Chile in the Atacama Desert. His age is evaluated at 9,000 years. Who made this drawing - unknown.

Arrows at the bottom of the lake

Arrows on the lake

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China has a mysterious lake Gotang. Its bottom is divided into strange rectangles and trapezes, around which arrows are drawn. As if this gigantic child draws the lake until the parents see.

Titanic death place


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On the water, the monument will not put, so there is nothing there. Just blue water. Remove the card, look at this endless ocean and imagine the frozen dipance slowly slowly leaving at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Horror.

Out of Indian

Indian in headphones

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This amazing geological education is located in Canada. The local resident, looking through the map noticed that the mountain is very much resembles a proud profile of a native American in the national headdress. And with headphones. Unlike the image of the Indian created by nature, headphones are man-made. This is the road that leads to the mine.


Lake man

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The lake in the form of a 140-meter person is close to Jacanga in Brazil. It is clear that the lake is man-made, but the local really like the theory that it is a fingerprint of Ikara fallen to Earth. How much I remember from ancient Greek mythology, ICAR was below one hundred and forty meters and flew somewhere over Greece. Obviously one thing. The lake is exactly the boy.



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In Sudan there are hills that are very similar to the lips from above. Moreover, lips, apparently, female, because they are painted. The width of the mouth is about half a kilometer. If you turn on the fantasy, then the chest of the sword of beauty should be somewhere in three or four kilometers south.

Huge drawing of the beast


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Have you seen pictures with rock painting ancient people? And now imagine the same drawing of the running lani, only in three hundred meters. Such a picture drew an unknown artist in the Mexican desert near Juarez.

Firefox logo on the field


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In Oregon, an enormous logo of the Firefox browser logo is drawn with a diameter of about fifty meters in one of the fields. What it is made not clear. But it is clear that he did not endure him in wheat. Not bad advertising move.

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