Eternal love: 38 star couples who are together longer than all

  • #one. Michael Kane and Shakira Baksh - 43 years together
  • # 2. Meryl Streep and Don Gammer - 37 years together
  • # 3. Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson - 28 years old
  • #four. Kirk Douglas and Ann Baidenz - 62 years together
  • #five. Samuel L.Jackson and Latania Richardson - 36 years together
  • # 6. Kevin Bacikon and Kira Sedgevik - 28 years together
  • # 7. Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher Guest - 32 years together
  • #eight. Will Smith and Jad Pinkett-Smith - 24 years together
  • #nine. Michael Ja Fox and Tracy Pollan - 28 years together
  • #10. Ellen Dezhenzeres and Portia Diosi - 12 years together
  • #eleven. Denzel and Paulette Washington - 39 years together
  • #12. Goldi Houn and Kurt Russell - 33 years together
  • #13. David and Victoria Beckham - 19 years together
  • #fourteen. Bono and Alison Hewson - 34 years together
  • #fifteen. Sting and labor Styler - 34 years together
  • #sixteen. Colin Firth and Libya Judzholly - 19 years together
  • # 17. Robert Downey ML. and Suzan Levin - 13 years together
  • #eighteen. Hugh Jackman and Debora Lee Farness - 20 years together
  • #nineteen. Elton John and David Fernish - 23 years together
  • #twenty. Kememin Klein and Phoebe Cate - 27 years together
  • # 21. Sara-Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderik - 19 years together
  • # 22. Tina Turner and Erwin Bach - 30 years together
  • # 23. Freddie Prince ML. and Sarah Michel Gellar - 14 years together
  • # 24. Adriano Celentano and Claudia Mori - 51 years together
  • # 25. Felicity Hoffman and William Macey - 19 years together
  • # 26. Cindy Crawford and Rand Jerber - 21 years together
  • # 27. Liza Kudroo and Michel Stern - 21 years together
  • # 28. Kit Richards and Patti Hensen - 37 years together
  • # 29. Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones - 18 years together
  • #thirty. Julia Roberts and Daniel Moder - 14 years together
  • # 31. Oprah Winfrey and Stidman Graya - 30 years together
  • # 32. Julia Luis Drreifus and Brad Hall - 29 years old
  • # 33. Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor - 16 years together
  • # 34. Maggie Gillanhol and Peter Sarsgaard - 14 years together
  • # 35. James Belosha and Jennifer Sloan - 18 years together
  • # 36. Mark Walberg and Ria Durba - 15 years together
  • # 37. Amy Adams and Darren Le Gallo - 15 years together
  • # 38. Beyonce and Jay Zi - 14 years together
  • Anonim

    These people return to us faith in love! All of them with each other a huge amount of time, survived the ups, falls, fire, water and copper pipes, but that the most amazing, still looks still terribly in love.

    #one. Michael Kane and Shakira Baksh - 43 years together


    # 2. Meryl Streep and Don Gammer - 37 years together


    # 3. Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson - 28 years old


    #four. Kirk Douglas and Ann Baidenz - 62 years together


    #five. Samuel L.Jackson and Latania Richardson - 36 years together


    # 6. Kevin Bacikon and Kira Sedgevik - 28 years together


    # 7. Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher Guest - 32 years together


    #eight. Will Smith and Jad Pinkett-Smith - 24 years together


    #nine. Michael Ja Fox and Tracy Pollan - 28 years together


    #10. Ellen Dezhenzeres and Portia Diosi - 12 years together


    #eleven. Denzel and Paulette Washington - 39 years together


    #12. Goldi Houn and Kurt Russell - 33 years together


    #13. David and Victoria Beckham - 19 years together


    #fourteen. Bono and Alison Hewson - 34 years together


    #fifteen. Sting and labor Styler - 34 years together


    #sixteen. Colin Firth and Libya Judzholly - 19 years together


    # 17. Robert Downey ML. and Suzan Levin - 13 years together


    #eighteen. Hugh Jackman and Debora Lee Farness - 20 years together


    #nineteen. Elton John and David Fernish - 23 years together


    #twenty. Kememin Klein and Phoebe Cate - 27 years together


    # 21. Sara-Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderik - 19 years together


    # 22. Tina Turner and Erwin Bach - 30 years together


    # 23. Freddie Prince ML. and Sarah Michel Gellar - 14 years together


    # 24. Adriano Celentano and Claudia Mori - 51 years together


    # 25. Felicity Hoffman and William Macey - 19 years together


    # 26. Cindy Crawford and Rand Jerber - 21 years together


    # 27. Liza Kudroo and Michel Stern - 21 years together


    # 28. Kit Richards and Patti Hensen - 37 years together


    # 29. Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones - 18 years together


    #thirty. Julia Roberts and Daniel Moder - 14 years together


    # 31. Oprah Winfrey and Stidman Graya - 30 years together


    # 32. Julia Luis Drreifus and Brad Hall - 29 years old


    # 33. Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor - 16 years together


    # 34. Maggie Gillanhol and Peter Sarsgaard - 14 years together


    # 35. James Belosha and Jennifer Sloan - 18 years together


    # 36. Mark Walberg and Ria Durba - 15 years together

    Long-Term-Celebrity-Couples-then and-Now-Longest-Relationship-42-57862c4866205__880

    # 37. Amy Adams and Darren Le Gallo - 15 years together


    # 38. Beyonce and Jay Zi - 14 years together


    A source

    On the announcement: Frame from the movie "Overboard"

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