All-all evil: opponents of mobile phones and the Internet dedicated


In the restaurant, the phone is not charged, for. Children Internet do not, for. In social networks, do not tell anything about yourself, for. For evil. We tried to track the logic of people who actively promote hatred for mobile phones and the Internet. It seems that it turned out.


Once, twenty years old, thirty and forty ago, if you left the family to the other end of the city, to another city, to another country, to lose touch with my relatives was easier than light. After all, in order to call them, it was necessary to carve out a special time (when you both can speak) and money for a long-distance and international call. The news was recognized with a delay, and many important things were not recognized at all. Being nephews at a meeting after 15 years have not been possible.

Now everything else happens to call each other on a mobile phone, but social networks allow you to constantly communicate, despite the discrepancies in charts - after all, it is not necessary to answer immediately. We consider photos of growing and staring relatives and friends, instantly learn about the new events of their life from status, discuss problems, films and anything that wanted to discuss, share experiences and joy and learn that you know that you need help

Hence the conclusion: the Internet destroys families and disconnects people.


A huge number of people previously refused to solve their problems with documents or health, because they could not force themselves on the phone to find out the schedule of receiving citizens, could not whether to find a sample document or a list of necessary certificates on the stand (and did not have this aid) Communicated with duty officers in the reception and officials.

Now such people can quickly find information on the Internet, both on the official websites of institutions and in urban forums, as well as sign up for the reception in a private clinic or book a bed in the hostel. They receive medical care on time and draw up documents.

Hence the conclusion: the Internet takes off people from real life.


Previously, it was impossible to defend their rights, if the unlawful treatment of you had no witnesses. And people who became eyewitnesses of illegal actions, but not having to stop them, could only suffer from remorse.

Now the court takes as proof of video from a mobile phone, so everyone can fix the crime perfect. And often it is a way to help the victim, if you can't help her anything otherwise. A huge number of people have already been submitted to the courts of video from phones or did not give to deposit a crime, laying them into broad access.

Hence the conclusion: a mobile phone and the Internet make people who are smaller and indifferent.


Previously, the elderly had to get to the phone and dial the number if they urgently needed the help of a relative due to health problems or tritely bursting heating radiator pipes. For many people in age, it is difficult or impossible (if grabbed) the task. Now a fairly charged mobile under the pillow and three or four clicks on the button to call for help.

Previously, find the desired address was sometimes very difficult. If there are few passersby or they themselves are poorly focusing on the ground, and you do not have the cards and the skill of her reading, it was possible to plow infinitely. What to talk about skating and people with other serious problems of speech - while they tried to speak out their request, they were running away from them. Suddenly it is asking for money? Now from the smartphone, you can track your location and pave the route to the desired point.

Hence the conclusion: Mobile phone and Internet make people helpless.


Previously, participants were traffacent, who lost the shores could be captured, only if the victim died or received serious injuries. And that is not always. Now the dispersed in the fact that there are something normal teenagers are removed and spreading rollers with bullying rollers to boast and increase the moral flour of the victim. But it is precisely this helps to discover the fact of bullying, and the video is used as evidence to achieve punishment of tormentors.

Often under these videos, there are many offensive for the victim of comments, but these same video advise thousands of people to send victims of bouquets, toys and support letters to which the victim did not even hope for the victim.

Hence the conclusion: Mobile phones and video stones increase and provoke cruelty.

Text author: Lilith Mazikina

Photos: shutterstock

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