10 things for whom you are already too old


You can put as many filters on your frithgrant, but the article "100,500 things you want to do up to 30 years old" will still be leaving. And then everything, after 30, the girl turns into a pumpkin. You already wrinkled, babe, Hop Hay, La La Lei!

PICS decided to go to another way. Stop doing something! We made a list of things that you do not need to do, because you are already too old for this. With the knowledge of the case amounted to. We are so generally fossils. And we all do not advise you to do it.

1. React to someone else's opinion about you

There are such nasty people who are not directly people, but insects. In the sense, they fly to you, like flies on the jam, the number is right away that you are not indifferent to their judgments on your account. They fly, it means that they carry their valuable opinion in the legs and postpone it for a collapse. Very nice on their part, of course, but you are definitely too old for this. It was relevant 15 years ago.

2. Collect the thing

Cute heart things. Tinnings from the tea, beautiful boxes, impossible cute plastic key rings in the form of hearts and ceramic pots of a nostalgic species - exactly in this ordered for a long time to live your school ficus. Throw the Bolyak!

3. To be offended


On offended, as you know, the water is carried away, and also put on the heads that are not intended for this. Of course, you are still too young to listen to the folk wisdoms, but nothing, it will go soon. In the meantime, just do not be offended, but it's better to bite offensive head. Before that, you just rustled.

4. Use euphemisms

Pancake. Waving! You zadolbal me. Do not get out. Here is the star, and! Listen, it is disgusting. You know how to swear Mat - scold. You can't - do not flutter a commander. Feel, yes, how is the most "commander" here is a coryato sounds? That and it. The surrounding listened to this and phallomorphy.

5. Do not sleep at night

What is the meaning of these events? Anyway, it is not in the club that you are sitting down, but you sit, jerks on the cheek left hand, and carefully study the signs for which you can distinguish the meerkat from the yellow mangoste.

6. Show belonging to any subculture

This, of course, terrible injustice - why it is possible to teenagers, and we can not, right? But is it worth it? They can not go to the festival and festivals there at his pleasure to green devils. And we could, and now, moreover, it is possible, Be-Be-BE.

7. Consideration of folk remedies


Tea with honey and chamomile who helped so cool in childhood with a cold, now they do not help at all. It is not an option to slap the gland too - in his youth, it helped, because a glass was not limited to a glass, and the cold was simply replaced by a hangover. Well, and put in socks jam made of finely disturbed loophs you have been too early. Treat, in general, drugs.

8. Re-read the favorite books of childhood

As they say, for Athos it is too much, and for the Count de la Fer - too little. No, you really will regret it. Do not read. Re-read in those beautiful years when the content of these most books suddenly remembers the last semicolon. But where yesterday the Favorite Rattle of the Rights is done - I do not remember, even though you are crazy.

9. Argued with idiots

Need to explain? So we think that there is no.

10. In love with all sorts of faces

A long time ago, you collect figures from Kinder-surprises and this collection was the subject of your pride, but you will not even come to mind now to collect plastic crap for three kopecks, right? Well, here. Let the little girls play them in them, and you buy a diamond. Well, in the sense, find. In general, you understood.

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