New good signs - 35 trifles that will make your day better



I noticed that how money goes to money and pleasant, if you attack, then usually small flocks? So that they are flying more often and blurred, we will save them and the way to lure! Add your options to our piggy bank: What pleasant surprises will certainly improve your spirits?

one. You woke up, stretched out your hand to the phone ... Oh, another hour you can sleep!

2. You are waiting for letters, you see in the "incoming" cherished (1) - and this is not spam! The same address!

3. Some kind driver gave you to you to leave from the yard.

four. Harbor cat himself came to his knees, drove and independently said: "Well, Murr!"

five. A neighbor, who usually just frowned at the meeting, suddenly, finally, jumped out.

6. The driver of the trolleybus looked in the mirror - and waited until you occupy.

7. A man going to you in the subway held the door until you passed.

eight. Yesterday you went through this yard, and here it was namuoro - and today it is pure.


nine. SMS SMS. No, this is not a hundred thousandth action "Download anecdote for 100 rubles" from the operator, it was transferred to payment!

10. You actually doubted whether these jeans would take, but they sat down like relatives.

eleven. You have already tuned to buy this thing for 400 rubles, carry on the cashier, and here it turns out - there is also a 50% discount on it!

12. In the tape, there was such a funny link that you could not restrain and registered out loud.

13. You bought the aunt near the metro of greens, and she said: "Thank you, Baby!"

fourteen. Going down the street, raised her head and saw a clear rainbow right in front of him.

fifteen. The hairdresser washes your head, warm water, shampoo with a very pleasant smell, and in general Relks massage!

sixteen. You have already scored on this question ... But the buddy, a little embarrassed, gave the worst!

17. A girlfriend, which is always late, suddenly came even a little earlier.

eighteen. You dropped your favorite vase, but she did not break.

nineteen. You read the news and find out that your favorite band released a new album.


twenty. You got lost and stopped on the street, look around, and then you came up with a question, whether you do not need to help you.

21. The man liquekened you, whom you really respect, but did not even know that he reads you.

22. On the street Kid shouts: "Mom, look!" "And she does not disdain, but happy with him."

23. The company of youth is passing by - and does not boil, but just cute fools and jokes from an excess of vitality.

24. You have not been kept, I switched to the edge of the track - and laid the leaves, despite any kind of office prikid!

25 You walk down the street, and from somewhere from the cafe or from the window - your favorite song.

26. You unpack the box with a new fresh gadget, throw the protective film ...

27. You give the master in the window broke the chain, ask: "How much is with me?" - And he makes one clever movement and smiles: "You - not at all!"


28. You painted the arrows, and they did not smear and did not float, but they painted exactly such as necessary.

29. You got a jacket from the storage room, and there are 20 bucks in your pockets.

thirty. You saw the awesome scene, climbing in a pocket behind the phone ... and managed to click!

31. In the city you needed to get to the toilet. And then there is a large shopping center with the desired!

32. On the way there was a sign, on which the letter was not burning or a few, and this turned out to be another, funny word.

33. From somewhere flew the fragrance of coffee and fresh baking.

34. Husband reminded some kind of nice episode from the past, which you forgot myself - and he remembers, it is necessary!

35 The flower, which you already waved his hand, suddenly released a bud and bloomed.

Posted by: Julia Sheket

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