On an honest word and on one wing


When an irreparable error is corrected by incredible skill, and the fatal coincidence is compensated by a happy case, and a terrible catastrophe turns into an amazing salvation, only one thing remains: so lucky!

Gimli glider

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On July 23, 1983, the Boeing 767 Airlines Air Canada fulfilled 143 from Ottawa to Edmonton. On half of the way in the tanks suddenly ended fuel. Later, it turned out that kerosene was four times less than the required volume on a presuquer refueling to the aircraft. Just at that time, Canada moved to a metric measurement system, and the pilots in the calculations were confused in liters, kilograms, gallons and pounds. Reach to the nearest airport - Winnipega was impossible. But the crew managed to bring the plane in the planning mode to the former military airfield of Gimli and planted it in front of the eyes of the amazed members of the local autoclub, who held a family holiday on a closed runway.

Winor incident

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On June 12, 1972, McDonnell Douglas DC-10-10 aircraft Airlines Airlines Airlines flew from Denver to Buffalo. In the sky near the city of Winor suddenly opened the door of the rear cargo compartment. It turned out that it was still on Earth, as they say, "undercoiled." Pilots miraculously returned to the liner management and were able to put it in Detroit. And the manufacturer of airplanes of this type of strict-tag was ordered to remake locks on the doors.

Emergency landing Tu-154 in Izhme

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On September 7, 2010, Tu-154 flew from Yakutia to Moscow, when a complete power outage occurred on board. The crew was Saluing the aircraft "on the eye" in the former airport of the city of Izhma on the runway, not adapted to the reception of such large airliners. Experts estimated a safe landing of an emergency machine for such a short strip as a miracle. The miracle very much contributed to the enthusiasm of the employee of Sergey Sotnikov Airport. Over the years, he independently supported the strip in a decent state, removing the garbage and cutting down a shrub. Later, this story became one of the novel in the film "Tree 2".

A320 emergency landing on Hudson

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On January 15, 2009, Airbus A320-214 Airlines US Airways performed 1549 from New York to Seattle. After 90 seconds after takeoff, the aircraft ran into the birds of birds, after which both engines were denied. The height is less than a kilometer, down - New York, things are bad. But behind the steering wheel was Cescy Sallenberger, a former military pilot and, on a second, expert in the field of security of flights. He was able to plan directly on the river, and the passengers were safely removed the rescuers on the boats and boats. And the aircraft after the lift to the land bought the Carolinas Aviation Museum.

Jachart incident

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This legendary story happened in the sky over the Indian Ocean. June 24, 1982 Booting 747-236B British Airways airlines hit the ashes cloud, thrown by a halcan Gallinggung on the island of Java. At first, in the salon smelled smoke, the stewards rushed to search for a smoker, but, of course, did not find. Then the flames began to escape from the engines, and they stopped one after another. With grief in half, the plane managed to sit at Jakarta Airport. But since then the current airline volcanoes are afraid of fire.

Flight 5390 British Airways

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June 10, 1990 BAC 1-11 British Airways followed from Birmingham to Malaga. The flight passed normally, passengers began to spread meals. Captain Tim Lancaster unbuttoned the shoulder seat belt and weakened the belt. And then the windshield broke out of the cab, and Lancaster flew through the opening out. Captain pressed his back to the fuselage of the aircraft from the outside, and his legs were stuck between the steering wheel and the control panel. Twenty-two minutes, the aircraft crashed in Southampton. All this time, the captain spent outside. He was kept behind the legs. They were afraid that if the body was released (no one doubted that Tim Decks), it will get into the engine, and he burns. Five months after the accident, Tim sat down again behind the steering wheel.

Flight on the wing of Miga

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On May 27, 1955, the ground service mechanic Peter Gorbanene served the fighter in the mud near the WFP. The plane climbed the strip and went to take up, "tiping" with me mechanics. The airflow of Gorbanev receded in half around the front of the wing plane. When the height is set, the pilot noticed that the machine behaves unusual. After examining, he saw something on the right wing (there was a night, not to consider), from the Earth he was offered to reset the "foreign object" by maneuvering. But the silhouette of the "subject" seemed suspiciously similar to a person, and the pilot went to the landing. The plane landed by making a half circle over the airfield. All 27 minutes of their flight on the wing of the interceptor Gorbanev, who, besides, two ribs were broken, did not lose consciousness. The air flow firmly kept it on the plane of the wing. The hero of this story and today hesitate in the city of Morshansk.

Spring vyolovich

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Twenty-two-year-old stewardess turned out to be the only survival in the disaster of the McDonnell Douglas DC-9-32 aircraft, flight Jat 367. On January 26, 1972, the liner was destroyed by an explosion of the bomb, and the girl remained alive after falling without a parachute from a height of 10 160 meters. She received serious injuries and spent several days in a coma, but after a half years of treatment returned to normal life and work in the airline, but already on Earth. Its fall has become not only a happy case, but also a guinness book record.

Julian Köpka.

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Julian Köpka became the only Lansa airline survivor in the catastrophe of 508, which occurred on December 24, 1971 with the Lockheed L-188 Electra aircraft. The aircraft fell from a height of 3 thousand meters in the depths of the rainforest. In the fight for the life of Giulian for 9 days with a fracture of the clavicle independently made his way through the jungle to people. In Italy, the film "Miracles still happens" was filmed.

Larisa Savitskaya

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Larisa Savitskaya remained alive after a plane crash and fall without a parachute from a height of 5,200 meters. An-24, on which she flew, faced a Tu-16 military bomber, both aircraft collapsed. At the time of the catastrophe Larisa Savitskaya slept in his chair in the tail of the aircraft. The woman woke up from a strong blow, after which it immediately threw into the passage between the seats. Having woke up, she got to the nearest chairs, climbed and clung to him, and without fastening. Larisa herself subsequently argued that at that moment she was remembered by an episode from the film, where the heroine was clogged in a chair and survived the aircraft. The film was called "Miracles still happen."

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