Funny habits of our men



The network is quite a lot of collections of funny male habits. But men do not complete and do not end. And each, of course, is unique.


My loves to play an imaginary guitar and sing fighter songs. As a guitar often uses my hands and legs. At the same time, he painfully poigns me, and when I start to break out, says: Well, it's chords, terpi.

Cossack robber

Husband loves to slap me on the ass (when my dishes, for example) and immediately runs away so that I caught up with him. Anything, if he were not forty-five.


My persistent on the economy of electricity, the house walks and hits that I did not turn the light, and already as many as five minutes of idleness. Even a guest is nervous if someone is just like that lights light. There were friends, sitting in the kitchen, the light was included in the corridor - the husband was erzal and begged to let him turn off. And they rusted and did not give. No longer wants to walk to them. Offended.


Going to bed, and he traditionally says "Win with me." I begin to tell him something, he turns and after half a minute already covered. Well, I, of course, disappointed and mumbens, covering it with a lounge and get back, trying to fall asleep. And about half an hour, when I finally dive into a blessed Drema, he asks him in full voice: "Well, and what did you say to her?" I understand from the surprise bouncing and trying to prove that he fell asleep. And he does not believe.



And my loves to put a cat to my hand (I do not know how it is clear to write - in general, along the entire length of the hand from the elbow to the brush). And then it seems to be a machine. "Shot by the cat" - the tra-ta-she, then gently pulls the cat over the tail - it means that it reloaded the machine. It is a type of superhero, armed to the teeth, breaks into the room, putting his leg kick, opening the imaginary door, and begins to shoot enemies with his kitoavtomat. Husband weighs 105 kg, height 180, so it looks like it is hurt.


My loves to look into the refrigerator every ten minutes, as if there was something new there. For hours it can.


And I used to search after her husband, a sponge for washing the dishes, he left it in the pan, between two plates, in the refrigerator, and once even in a box where documents are stored. Now I'm not looking. No, I did not reappearly - just myself my ... And now it began to understand that in this, perhaps, and consisted of a cunning plan ...



If I'm looking for something, and the husband knows where it lies, he can't just say: "It lies there." Also boring! Therefore, he plays with me in cold-hot. I can yell, rave, even if I don't care, he has a entertement. "I'll kill you, honestly ... Well, what? In this closet? - Heat".


My very loud voice. He makes comments in stores sellers and cashiers, they say, not deaf, hearing. It's impossible to go down the street with him - everyone will know what we are talking about, but the coolest - when he speaks on the phone. It seems that we are in the war, in the epicenter of the bombing, and he demands to send him a reinforcement, lying in the trench and trying to shout the noise of explosions.

And The Oscar Goes To ...

I do not know what other habits are, but my husband is guaranteed champion. He has a habit of falling down when we quarrel. Do not pretend, but really fall asleep. Such a protective reaction of the body. That is, it is impossible to quarrel with him at all. Wildly, expectantly, inhuman infuriates.

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