# Scientist: sitting on a diet allowed "sin" once a week


Here you sit like this on a diet all. Evil. Hungry. Day or two or a week, and then we break up, and in the attack of food lunatism they fell to the refrigerator at three o'clock in the morning. Just.

And there - the box of candies and half of the cake from the past weekend, the third hand, you grab the package with chips, also by the third hand, is completely randomly accidentally found in the "damage zone." All this you are dragging in the lair "man of a losing weight", that is, somewhere in the bed.

And all, the end of the feat, because the next day you will be bad and shame. And so in a circle, and the diet you will consider the damned and continue to "lick" an irresistible feeling of guilt.

Do not do it anymore. There is a way out, and his legitimacy confirm the dietual scientists. You officially have the right to arrange a "boot day", exactly once a week, but do not burst everything in a row from the morning and until late evening!

Nutritionists found out that a slight retreat from a strict regime has a beneficial effect on a psychological state, helps to train the will and even makes the "more delicious" diet for receptors.

59 people participated in the experiment, they were invited to imagine themselves on a diet, half as if it was sitting on a traditional strict diet, and the other half was conditionally allowed to keep themselves in rigor of 6 days with the ability to relax on the 7th.

In the course of the process, participants were sent to the supermarket to wander around the rows with all sorts of products "for snack" and to tell later that they wanted to do the most. The group that was resolved the day of the relief of the regime showed much more consciousness and restraint in strategic planning of purchases. People knew that once a week they could eat anything harmful, and did not row from the shelves everything.

At the next stage of research, 36 men and women participated, which was sitting on a diet truly.

Half was proposed to adhere to consumption strictly 1500 calories per day. The second half was allowed to consume 1300 calories of the day, taking into account that on Sunday, the norm increased and it was possible to argue with 2700 calories. The result showed that the power of Will left representatives of the group that did not provide the "weekend".

The observations also revealed that people from the group with the "weekend" recognized themselves happier and motivable, and the weight indicator according to the results of the diet was exactly the same as those who kept themselves in continuous rigor.

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