7 devices that will be drunk


Technical progress is a wonderful thing. Today you can buy yourself a device that will make all the unpleasant job for you, to entertain and generally paint gray everyday life with bright colors.

And bright colors of everyday life is what? That's right - these are emotions. All sorts of emotions. For example, then the very feeling when you have your own blood money for your own.


There is nothing easier than to fulfill the child's dream of your own observatory! The telescope can buy anyone. But to collect - not any. The instruction will not help here, only such a mother. However, such a mother is not comprehensive, it immediately needs to understand. You can collect a telescope with its help, to see something in it - no. To see the celestial bodies, your own body will have to frozen on the balcony of the watch for three or four. Well, while you configure this pipe. I do not want? Then you can buy an auto system to the telescope. And to the auto system - a computer controller. It is to see. And to show seen to friends in the social network - you need a special lens. If there is a camera to which you can come to the lens. In general, the telescope costs twenty thousand rubles, and everything else is invaluable. In general, it is a beautiful toy for people with a developed fantasy. Which can look at the axes of white points and enjoy what it seems like, the nebula of Andromeda. Probably.


Damn tediously smoothing ruins on blouses, right? Half an hour to stand at the ironing board, trying to carefully head out each fold and do not bake the fingers - what a nightmare. Calm! There is a vertical steamer. Lovely thing! A powerful steam jet will smoke the most intricate product of Portnov art. Just for half an hour. So do not disappear anything at the five-meter kitchen, otherwise the Turkish bath self-root. This is if the steamer is not reborn in a dragon spitting boiling water. It happens with him regularly. And he spits, a clear thing, at the very last moment when you guide the final gloss. Dragons are very cunning creatures, everyone is known.


It is rumored that the treadmill is the most expensive clothes hanger in the world. And the biggest one. But this is not about you! You are clear, you will run regularly. In the mornings and evenings. If, of course, you have no juvenile children and quotes in your house. Because juvenile children love to include the track and ride it to the first fracture of the legs. And the cats also love to ride, but before the first fracture of your legs. Because they need to ride exactly when someone runs on the track. But the neighbors are nothing like this. They only need one thing: so that they have a mad rhinoceros over their heads in the morning and evenings. The district authorized poacher was already out of their skins.

Smart kitchen combine

Which knows how not only to beat and shine, but also knead, rub and cut into a small cube. Here it is, happiness - you can hurt Olivier and Vinaigrette every day! But first have to decide where to store this very smart combine. Because even in the assembled form, it occupies the entire work surface, and in the cabinet it does not stick out. It, of course, can be disassembled, but then half of the knives and the whisk for omelet will be lost immediately. The fact that is better. Because it was less wash. Manufacturers will definitely write that all this economy can be washed in a dishwasher, but then the combine will stop cutting, because the knives are blocked in a couple of months. And then, it will finally, it will be possible to throw away with a clean conscience. Because to collect, disassemble, wash and play the version of Tetris "Vnock Kombin to the box" - for a very long time. During this time, you can cut two vega buckets. Handles.

Robot vacuum cleaner

A lovely toy that can be boldly to start instead of a dog or a cat. He is very cute and touching. He rushes very fun, knows the team "Place!", And if it gets lost or gets sick with a slaughter - my mammy calls plaintively. That is, you. Do you already want to take such a miracle in good hands, right? Well, this is a great option for lonely women who have nowhere to pour out their tenderness. And if you already have a cat or a dog, or, God forbid, husband and children - forget. You do not need this beast. It is not for cleaning it, but for mild. Because from the wool of cats and dogs at the vacuum cleaner quickly comes the vicious of the guts, the male socks from the subsidement he is given, and the small cube of Lego and can smoothly smother. To death! In general, there was no worry woman - bought a scabbard. Yes, yes, this is the very case.


Waving toy! The future came! It came in a dirty shoe straight into the soul, because there is a toy of some incredible money. In general, the quadrocopter thing is very useful if you consider it as a simulator for nerves. Because this is not a toy helicopter with a joystick, it is much more complicated to control the quadrocopter. And even more difficult to manage your own toak, which is more inflated, the higher the quadrocopter takes off. One careless movement, and disappeared, money disappeared! Tooching was too expensive, so that it is so careless to let her fly. Breaks yet. Let won lie in the box. Equally will be.


Tamagoti grew up, cheers! Now it can not only be fed, but also to educate. And he, most importantly, will not die if you forget about him, but just offended. The problem is that children do not really like to play with the offended Ferby, and Mama do not really want to bring up an electronic nerd. Then the dad is taken for business, and at this stage you can already begin to equip a cozy home toy. On antlesole. Because the Ferbian truth is happy to study everything. Including - to firm and tell the jokes about the lieutenant Rzhevsky.

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