About ass. When parents are more concerned about your figure than you yourself


Summer is already going to us, and everyone has already remembered that the beach season is soon, and began to lose weight. We also lose weight. Since last year! But in Figure whether happiness is a big question. Our author, Lily Mazikina, has its own opinion on this issue. We publish without bill. Because somehow everything is there :)

I know a lot of women who are concerned about his ass. But so take care of the ass stranger, as my mom, are able to a few. From about the eleven-twelve years, I listened to the same recommendation:

- Oh, do not get completely. Sit down the edge. And then you have an ass painfully fat, and so noticeable.

"The edge," I reasonably noticed, "after a few hours of the ass, the ass will not only be fat, but also a mysterious form. With a clear deepening time. I understand that everyone has a deepening in the middle of the asshole. But they have it along, not across.

- Then there is a slightly bouncing all the time. Strain. At the same time you punish.

I tried to imagine how I solve physics or Vommat, bouncing on a stray ass, and made a lean face.

- God, why, why do you have such a fat ass? - worried mom.

"Because I have everything fatty," I pointed out. - Why would you be thin?

"You can be fatty tits, it is welcome," Mom resolutely said. - Abdomen under tits disguised aside on tits by clothing. But the ass is completely terrible in sight.

"Maybe I have a wide bone," I said conciliatoryly.

- Well, what do you invent? Where do you get a wide bone?

- In my grandmother, my honorable Sophia Androvna.

- Sofya Andrevna was just Tolstoy, and her bone had a bird. And I have a bird. Nowhere to take a wide bone.

- How is it nowhere? And my peasant ancestors about which I wrote to your dictation in writing in the sixth grade?

- Oh, how many of them were and when ... before you, their genes came to you - the cat was apparel. You just have a fat ass, and with this you need to do something, and no one will take you married.

"Mom, no one will take me, you notify me about it about twice a day."

- And with the ass especially. Is that Arab for kalm to sell, - Mom has become such a person as if she calculates the system of two equations. She was poorly given these systems, so I do not mean a "simple face."

When Junior A. (making a proposal for all Staropolian unborn canons, is respectfully asking for her mother's daughter respectfully), I turned toward him and said:

- A., I have a fat ass!

"It does not concern this," the young man answered absently, A. Mama flirtally giggled instead of resolutely to argue, and gave him his daughter's hand. Nevertheless, the argument about "marrying will not take" from the Mom speech has not disappeared anywhere.

Without sustaining asshole terror, I hid from home, stopped communicating with my mother, got married and gave birth. Then my daughter learned to sit. Then my mother appeared on my horizon. By the way, I got married at all for the young people A., and thank God. Although his tolerance to bold assholes bribed me.

After pregnancy and childbirth, my bones stick out from everywhere, except for the chest. The chest reached such sizes, as if all the notorious ass moved there to live with things, and such volumes of milk production, which I was waiting for the relevant order from our government. The government, unfortunately, did not hurry.

Like the first thing I heard when my mother saw me again, it was:

- How does he live with such a bold ass?

- You did not even see him! His normal ass! - I was indignant.

- How does he live with your ass? - reformulated mom is popular. I turned into a profile and offered her to shock me with a finger on the side to make sure that I had a bone.

"This is a pelvis," I said. - Ass stayed in the past.

"It is necessary when you sit, bounce a little on it," Mom said again. - To pump and she was issued. Because the pelvis without ass - it is terrible. This is a tender. Nobody ... kh-kh ... he will just quit you.

I presented how I bouncing on the ass, and in my eyes I join the PHP code, and made a lean person.

The ass appeared. Disappeared. Appeared back. Preserved cellulite. Forgated cellulite. I divorced. I lived on site. I got married and worried about the crisis of relationships. The sinusoids of ass and men stubbornly did not coincide in my schedule of life. Even rhythmically.

It does not matter. From time to time, my mother appears on my horizon and requires me to jump on my bold ass.

By the way, sorry for the uneven handwriting.

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