On Mars began to look for life. A couple of hours ago


A couple of hours ago, the Proton-M rocket started from the Baikonur cosmodrome. For the first time in the history of mankind, the devices were sent to the Red Planet for the purpose of finding extraterrestrial life.

This historical event occurred in the framework of the EKZOMARS project - the joint initiative of Roskosmos and the European Space Agency. The goal of the project is to search for traces of life on the planet and the study of its atmosphere, surface and climate.

The project cost is almost 1.4 billion dollars. Initially, NASA took part in the project, but by mid-February 2012 it became known that the American Space Agency refuses the mission.

Some scientists and at all prevent the ambulance colonization of Mars. In order for this point, you were fulfillment, we collected a short course of a young fighter. Tell your friends!

First, it is worth re-reading the "Martian Chronicles" of the Ray of Our Bradbury. For inspiration!

Secondly, you can watch the film "Red Planet". Cinema is so-so, but on the topic. Do not want? Here you have beautiful views of Mars - to remember and gain harmony.

Well, thirdly, if completely reluctant to strain, read, as we looked at you, the main manual for survival at Mars 2015 is the film "Martian".

Be ready to meet with extraterrestrial! And do not say then that we have not warned!

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