17 signs of workaholic. Check yourself while


If more than half of these items are about you, congratulations: You are a workaholic. You definitely time to relax! True, "relax" with workolism is not so simple. In advanced cases, approximately how to "eat" with anorexia. But - it is necessary, you need! Otherwise, you will soon be finally, and it will be no one to make labor feats.

1. You work more than 40 hours a week

Finish work at six pm? Hmm, it would be a rather curious and unusual experience ... Well, yes, they jump some with a parachute or sleep on nails.

2. You drag food to the workplace

And you chew straight "at the machine", by continuing with one finger, Kolto "Enter" and drive the soaked mouse. Cups you usually concentrate around the computer.

3. "I can't afford to root"

Your song ", yes? When, let's say, begins to quickly in the throat, the thought of the hospital does not come to mind. It comes to a thought about some kind of magic tablet, which can be taken - and it will immediately turn off and stop bothering.

4. You often feel "not very"

That pressure jumps, then headaches, then the neck does not turn ... and the ailment falls more often on the weekend - and on Monday you are cucumber.

5. Workers Thoughts visit you at any time.

When the family pulls you into a picnic, in the middle of the song "Oh Moroz-frost" you suddenly realize that they lazhal in three hundred twelfth report line. When friends are pulled out in a cafe, quietly get the phone and check the workmail.

6. On vacation you remain in touch

Option Light - Calls to Weibra on the beach from the dam. Option Hard - Skype conference on the beach.

7. You all recheck several times

The idea that in the signature to the booklet may be an excessive point, pierces you as poisoned arrow. And you rush like a wounded lan: Return and control. For an extra point is an imbued shame and a theme for Harakiri.

8. You understand everything better than "they"

Slave sent a fulfilled order from which his hair end. It's easier to redo what to explain what's wrong there. The boss looked at your job and put forward stupid claims. Well, nothing he is petriting in the specifics!

9. Cocliners annoy you

Instagrams with cocktails on the shore of Palms or Sitting on the Open Terrace in Summer Noon cause one thought: "IS, DISTRICTED ... WHAT PAYS FOR YOU, LOGASS, Who - Pushkin?"

10. "Sorry, but on Saturday I will be busy"

No one is not surprised at this answer from you. They offer you to go to the river or in the movie more so, to clean the conscience, already mentally drawing out you from the list.

11. Spouse (-A) and children miss you


"We must, you need to dedicate the family more time," you think. " - In the end, I work for them. By the way: we still have insufficiently covered the audience of young mothers and dads! .. "

12. You are constantly armed with gadgets

If mobile is forgotten on the table or nowhere to recharge the tablet, this is guaranteed panic and hysterics. Approximately as without pants from home to go out.

13. It is difficult for you to distract and switch

If a mom with her mother calls for the quarter in the midst of the plan "and we have spoiled the weather ... And how is your health?", She seems to you Marcianin. If a colleague is suitable, you will answer the machine: "Yes, yes, now," and in a minute, you hardly remember that it was: hairstyle praised, smoke or earthquake.

14. If something is not glued at work, you are gloomy and unhappy


And it does not particularly comfort you on a sunbeam playing on glass showcases, nor a song sparrow in the bushes of a rosehip, nor ice cream, nor stroking my head with the words: "You are still better than everyone." You know firmly: when the great plan turns, it simply cannot be some kind of "better." All Tlen.

15. When a difficult project ends, you do not care

It would seem that the finish, the victory, should be the corresponding state. But tormented a cup with champagne, you feel not relief and satisfaction, but some confused discomfort and tomorrow.

16. Time flies very quickly

"Summer is already going ... it is necessary! It seems that yesterday planned spring ... "- you think, looking at the calendar. "New year soon? Just the past was, and also chased reports ... "- you think, raising your head next time.

17. "Why in the days only 24 hours?"

Yes, it's hit your life, his main chorus. Well, even at least Eight hours! And in order not to sleep with a capricious organism ... But you know what? In the depths of the soul, you yourself guessed that you successfully drive your body, how many hours you give you. Because you live to work. And it is still logical on the contrary ... We must clearly work on it! ;)

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