Where and when can I see starfall in Russia?


Make a Vish List and uncover the telescope! Stars will fall all year. Here you have accurate star schedule for this year.

April 16-25 - Lyrida

Lyrida is a bet of comet Tetcher, which flew by us in 1861. The next time we will see it only after 413 years. Nothing, wait. In the meantime, we will admire the cosmic dust. Promise 15-30 meteors per hour - not fat, but better than nothing.

May 1-10 - Aquarides

It is very nice from the Aquarium - please us to the May holidays, when you don't need to work in the morning and even the night in the sky. The peak of starship activity will have to 4.5 and May 6. The southern hemisphere was lucky more, they will pour very thickly, in a meteor per minute, and we have a little less smaller. These meteors are flesh from the flesh of the comet Gallet.

June 15-20 - Arityides

In the northern hemisphere of Ariteids will be visible only on the 19-20th. Separate meteors will fall as well as July. Source of stellar - a small space cobblestone called Icar. His diameter is just a kilometer. But this asteroid regularly passes so close from the Earth, which may well fall on it. There is even a "Project Icar" - a plan for its destruction in case he will still collapse on us. The nearest "day of X" will come in 2090. And the latter was last June. Put.

July 15 - August 22 - Perseys

The most famous, powerful and thick meteor flow. This year it will close his moon for a while, but bright outbreaks will still be visible.

October 2-16 - Draconides

Peak will have to 16 October. Astronomers advise to wake up early - the best incurious stars will be visible in the predestal clock.

October 22 - Orionides

Actually, these are the same Mayquarides, only in the profile. We fly through this meteor flow twice a year. But in the fall they roll back a short program - just one night. But the outbreaks promise very bright.

October 25 - 18 - Leonida

In 1833, this meteoroch flow was so bright and powerful that half-midwife was scared - the preachers were frowning with the end of the world, and American Indians and Black Slaves rushed to compose songs about him. Stars Fell On Alabama, which Ella Fitzgerald and Frank Sinatra were performed at one time, just about the most Leonides. Catch them on October 25, November 5 and 18.

December 3-10 - Geminides

Damn abundant and beautiful starfall. Meteors will fall slowly (well, that is, the other meteors are preferred, but still quickly). Geminides are very bright, you can admire them for a whole week, and on December 13, they will go to bis, but only for residents of the northern hemisphere.

December 21-23 - Ursda

Just 10 stars per hour, but falling more slowly than Geminides - you have time to make even a very precipitated desire. Look at the Polar Star - they will be about there.

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