How to live with a workaholic? 9 ways to facilitate their fate - in gifs.


There are things that can not be struggling. Well, you can't tell the same person: "Throw your work, she got me!" Nevertheless, live with an workaholic - unbearably. Well, almost unbearably. Because ways to facilitate their existence is still there.

Do not worry if he comes at midnight

How to live with a workaholic? 9 ways to facilitate their fate - in gifs. 35814_1
It is impossible to understand whether the workman really worked, because he always pumped home with the same expression of the face - as if he had just saved the galaxy. But in fact, the likelihood that the workahol was shouted somewhere, except for work, no higher than the likelihood of the existence of the galaxy rescued by him. That is zero.

Do not ask him when he breaks away from his phone

How to live with a workaholic? 9 ways to facilitate their fate - in gifs. 35814_2
Because he still never breaks away from him. Workaholic can be drained on a family dinner, hiking for mushrooms or even in Opera. But he will go there with a telephone and will spend the time bouncing his nose into the screen. Because - but how is it all collapsed without him? And even if at work everything is in order, the workahol will still find some kind of sector of the form "10 ways to increase its effectiveness with the help of electricity." Will find, and with pleasure will be buried.

Buy earless

How to live with a workaholic? 9 ways to facilitate their fate - in gifs. 35814_3
Workaholic before bed rests not only because they are charm, but also because they really call all the time. Day and night. On weekends and on holidays. And if the workahol is on vacation - they call eight times more often. The only way at least a week to get rid of this ring is to hold a romantic vacation in North Korea. There, the learners will not only take all these treasures, but also from the country to the planned date will not be released. Soothing - at the expense of the host.

Plan a weekend

How to live with a workaholic? 9 ways to facilitate their fate - in gifs. 35814_4
Plan so that it does not painfully hurt. Therefore, as a rule, at the weekend, most of the workaholiki grows to the sofa to look indifferently on the wallpaper through the TV. At best, your Stakhanovets will fall asleep (it is not necessary to wake - wakes up and breaks into the phone). At worst, it will moan about how tired. Your moans about how you missed, it will not be swapped. Children's moans - especially.

Never break plans

How to live with a workaholic? 9 ways to facilitate their fate - in gifs. 35814_5
Sometimes - oh, miracle! - Workaholic suddenly decides to spend the weekend with the family. In fact, it is not him. This is his autopilot. Each workahol has such a special useful sublost, which allows him to survive outside work. The intelligence of the autopilot is absent, but he can bother and smile. But if you suddenly break up, even at a very good reason (for example, a child's chickenpox and heat), the meek autopilot turns off and returns workaholic. Infused workaholic.

Get the housekeeper

How to live with a workaholic? 9 ways to facilitate their fate - in gifs. 35814_6
Workingolism is the concept of extrender. But if a family is still ready with a workaholic dad to somehow put up, then a workaholic mother is a sentence: you will live, than God sent. Alas, God rarely sends something more substantially by dumplings. The workahol has no time to keep the farm, cook and engage in other nonsense, but at the same time he absolutely needed household comfort. That is, he is not interested in what you eat - will fight somehow. At the same time, the most workahol - take me out yes put hot dinner and pure bed. Otherwise, the thoughts about the brunk will prevent him from thinking about important. And this does not give God.

Do not ask extra questions

How to live with a workaholic? 9 ways to facilitate their fate - in gifs. 35814_7
Do not ask about the weather - the workahol is hardly noticing the change of seasons. Do not ask how a day went - that the day has already passed - a personal tragedy of workaholic. And, most importantly, never ask the workaholic issues of a domesticity. Workaholic is not just not knowing what you do with a smoking microwave. Workaholic does not have a concept why he should know at all what to do with it. Little to you that he holds the whole universe on his shoulders, so you still want to throw your microwaves? Ouuu, Zakrebatniki!

Learn to listen and nod

How to live with a workaholic? 9 ways to facilitate their fate - in gifs. 35814_8
Workaholics rarely fall into melancholy - they just have no time. But a workaholic woman is a completely special case. Because women slyly are arranged. Almost like donkeys. The donkey cannot be shifted from the place because he is stubborn, but because he has developed a resource, and if it makes another step - everything will go to his hoofs. Woman workArcholik in such a situation crying. Crying about how it all zadolbalo. Long and tasteful. Actually, a woman's workaholic has two states: she or saves the galaxy, or crying and shouts that she was tired of doing it. Your task is to listen and nod. Do not offer her all to throw and become a housewife. She cries not because her truth is all zadolbalo - it's just a way to recover.

Learn to imitate turbulent activities

How to live with a workaholic? 9 ways to facilitate their fate - in gifs. 35814_9
Sometimes workaholics embroiders from the working rut for a long time - they are still people, and nothing human is alien to them. For example, dismissal or fracture with displacement. If the workaholic harvested on the couch at home - take care of: this is a classic dog on Seine - it doesn't know how to idle, and you will not give you. It will be controlled whether the children do lessons enough, whether products are quite rationally used in the refrigerator and should not lower the water level in the toilet tank. In short, he will build you all and make it work. So if you do not want to mimicarize the ants, try to send the workshik far away to send. In the sense - to work.

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