Animals that kill us


Good news: In the "civilized" world, a person practically defeated nature and animals for him do not represent any danger. Bad news: in developing countries with high population density, where the villages are adjacent to the jungle, swamps and savannas, the beasts still kill people, and access to medicines, antifones and antibiotics - no. Since most of the murders happen in remote corners of the planet, the statistics are more or less approximate, there is no exact number and, most likely, will not.

Sharks: 10 people per year

Sharks, and above all - a large white shark, one of the modern symbols of absolute fear, attack people relatively rarely and kill about 10 people a year. The razor-sharp teeth, terrible speed, a huge force - and anyway - the lower line of the rating.

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Wolves: 10 people per year

The most terrible predator of a moderate climate, the main enemy of all fairy tales of European peoples, the wolf lies no more than ten people a year (because he lives, mainly in reserves and avoids people).

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Tigers: about 80 people per year

In North India and in Pakistan, older and not very healthy tigers still come in the village and eat people. For man tigers hunt, and this is great progress, I must say: during the times of Kipling tigers killed to a thousand people per year.

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Lions: 100 people per year

African lions still attack people in Kenya and Tanzania. Typically, lions live by prides and avoid people. But lonely and not very healthy animals can represent a greater danger.

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Australian Medusa: 100 people per year

A small creature filled with a poison-paralyzer. A jellyfish burn causes convulsions and unbearable pain, and if it happens at a depth, the victim can easily drown.

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Elephants: 150 people per year

Elephants are huge, strong, intelligent and very angled animals, can kill a person in an instant. And in India, there are few things that are hunting for elephants (excellent workers of the elephants get out of little wildly), so also constantly dismantle the land at the jungle, because Paschen is never enough. As a result, there is a sluggish man-elephant war, which mankind, of course, wins, but not without loss.

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African buffalo: 200 people per year

The buffalo weighs under a ton and runs very quickly. In addition, the buffaloes are well organized, in case of danger, they become in combat order (weak and young in the middle, strong males and females - in circular defense). And what exactly they consider danger - only them.

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Hippos: more than 500 people per year

Formally hippos of herbivore. In fact, it is one of the most dangerous animals of Africa. Huge weight, decent speed, terrible fangs and highly developed territorial instinct. No need to get involved in hippos!

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Crocodiles: more than 1000 people per year

All kinds of crocodiles are very dangerous - both Nile, and those that live in Louisiana swamps, and Amazonian. The most deadly look - sea crocodiles living near the north coast of Australia and the southern coast of New Guinea. The exact number of the victims is unknown: whenever the crocodiles decide to enjoy the surfers, it falls into the newspaper, but when they eat novoguine fishermen, no one notices. The favorite maneuver is to grasp a man with his jaws, and sharply turn over, the sacrifice and breaking her back.

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Flat Worms (Soliter): 2000 people per year

These creatures live in the digestive tract of a person and some animals. Under certain conditions, the larvae of flat worms fall into the lungs and the cysterkosis disease begins, which, in turn, begins and leads to a fatal outcome.

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Round worms (ascaris): 2500 people per year

Another intestinal parasite, the larvae of which can fall into the lungs and in the brain, and in the heart. In addition, ascarides are happy to live in blood vessels and feed on with red blood tales, as a result of which the patients almost always develop anemia.

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Freshwater snails: 10,000 people per year

Strictly speaking, the killers are not a snail, but a schistomose that they spread. Parasitic flat worms trematodes through the skin are introduced into the human body, enter the blood vessels and migrate either in the gastrointestinal tract, or to the urinary bubble area and genital organs. But the larvae of these worms are transferred with freshwater snails. It turns out that these babes will be killed much more people than lions, elephants, crocodiles and hippos combined. There is nothing to talk about sharks.

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Blinds-triatomas: at least 10,000 people per year

These bugs, living next to a man in slums, tolerate the Sagas disease - an infectious parasitic disease distributed in Latin America. At the beginning of the 21st century, 11 - 18 million patients were registered. In this case, the stegas is not curable, drugs can only be controlled by the course of the disease and suppress the symptoms. So in fact, statistics can be much gloomy.

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Tsetz fly: 10,000 per year

Remember Jules Verne? Ordinary African Fly will deal with a sleepy disease, a man's African tribanosomosis. This is a very dangerous parasitic disease common in Equatorial Africa, which is incredibly difficult and expensive. However, there are certain successes: now the mortality from the tripanosomosis is about 10,000 people, and at the beginning of the nineties it was more than 30,000.

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Dogs: 25,000 people per year

Statistics are inexorable: our nearest and oldest friends are deadly for us. Dogs are often attacked by their owners, they can bite a child for a walk, and about stray dogs who are knocked in flocks - there is nothing to say. But still the main danger represents the rabies virus. If it takes prophylactic measures in time (the notorious injections in the stomach immediately after the bite), a person infected with rabies will survive. If the disease begins to develop - mortality 100%. However, rabies is a third world disease: those who cannot consult a doctor die. In developed countries, struggle with a virus by total dog vaccination.

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Snakes: 50,000 people per year

Poisonous snakes are killed around the world. Not from all poisons there is an antidote, and not all people have access to these antids: in some regions to the nearest ambulance, it is so far that the poison will kill in any case before.

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Mosquitoes: more than 10,000,000 people per year

Well known to us bloodsows - the most terrible killers. Mosquitoes transfer two diseases. First, malaria. 350 - 500 million cases of malaria disease are recorded annually, and death ends at least a million of them. The second disease is a dengue fever, with very high mortality (and very terrible, with severe hemorrhagic form, without medical intervention).

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There is another type that has not entered our rating. People. We kill themselves like in the amount of about half a million people per year. In fact, we lose only mosquitoes. However, in "successful" decades, for example, the end of the thirties - the beginning of the fortieth, the account can go to tens of millions. Even blood circuits will not cope.

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