Forbidden fruit: 13 pleasures for which almost not ashamed


There are things that are terribly nice to do, experiencing a slight feeling of shame, which gives special buzz and sharpness of sensations. We collected 13 so-called Guilty Pleasures, which can be indulge with special pleasure. Do you have your little secrets? Add in the comments!


Guilthake 80 LVL! While everyone runs on exhibitions, concerts and spend time with benefit, you lie on the couch, having posted by the strategic reserves of the harmful meal like chips and Coca-Cola, and blissfully tupping the "game of the throne". Or in "Comedy Club". Or even in some pleasant garbage. For a consuming effect, you can also climb into the bath. Children - to the grandmother, a man - fishing, and let the whole world wait!

Do not take the tube

For example, when the customer calls, and the project is not ready yet. Or grandmother, which at seven in the morning Saturday wants to know what you have eaten the last two weeks, and you have a terrible hangover, an unknown body under the side (breathes? Do not breathe ??) And even the thought about food causes dizziness and nausea. Or do not take a day or two tube at all, because everyone is tired. Even mom. But it is possible in order to exclude SMS, so that it does not go to the crusade in the morgue and hospitals.

Lean from work

Oh, what a wonderful feeling: wake up in the morning on a weekday, call a job and say that you have an attack of intergalactic autosomal-recessive abiotic fever and you will not be able to come at all at all. Of course, you are in touch by mail and by phone (better by mail, of course), of course, you are very sorry that it happened so, and undoubtedly you will make every effort to recover as soon as possible. And then - a share of slave labor, freedomaaaa!

Fill in social networks photos of his former


Exclusively in research purposes. As you know, a special value for this is the photos where the object of study came out extremely unsuccessful: drunk, with a long nose, in the company of dubious and defamatory honor and dignity of personalities, well, or just in the curtain, which for some reason is pretending to be a dress. Recommended no more than once a month during periods of particularly hard PMS, in order to once again make sure that you are a hundred times better, more beautiful and he chose you not in vain.

Fill in social networks photos of your ex

Perhaps there are holy people in the world who sincerely wish everyone happiness and joy and do not know how to be offended, but that's not exactly us. We go to the profile of the former beloved in social networks with one sole purpose: To glad that the Lord will remove us from such a beautiful in all senses of the copy, and our brains were enough to escape from him far away. And if he escaped himself, he is better to immediately make us blacklisted, otherwise we do not answer for themselves!

Speaker Register on a dating site

Or in Tinder! And get acquainted with someone just for the sake of interest. The main thing is to follow, so as not to sleep dangerous bog and innocent entertainment has not turned into an intrusive idea. Although if you are alone and beautiful, then why not? In such services, of course, full of trolls, but they will increase self-esteem anyway.

Telling noby new familiar

Especially if you know that you will never see them again. The best candidates in this case are taxi drivers. They can be removed all that the soul is pleased, to implement all the wildest dreams. For example, that you are an opera diva, you have eight children and a Georgian husband who is scary jealous of you to each post. Or that you are traveling for two days in Moscow, because you are heading in Kuwait the development of a project on the use of lunar light in industry. Do not be shy, get real guilt pellar!

Read Harry Potter


Well, yes, well, yes, Dostoevsky with Tolstoy is not all readings, and you are here again with your scram-headed scarcar and his friend. Ha! This is not everyone knows that in Harry Potter's free time you read fan fiction - copyright works written by the main books. There, by the way, Gay is not only Dumbledore, but also Snape (which, naturally, alive!), And the most popular couple - Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger. And sometimes Starina Voldemort is a sweet bunny. We warned if that.

Defeat everyone in her head

To come up with after a spread from the head or overwhelming with the mother of a hundred derogatory and witty comments and answers, to lose the situation in the imagination of five hundred times, crushing the opponent beating exactly in the way words. Sweet to represent how all your offens are crawling on the knees and push your forgiveness, and you are the queen of the world! - So be, you forgive them, Susk on Crash. That is, in FIG.

Try everything in a row during cooking

And nothing that you are on a diet - a good host should all be controlled! It is quite obvious that this tiny Macaron Villa will not spoil your ideal figure, and cream oil cream, sugar and condensed milk requires increased attention, so it needs to try at every stage of cooking!

Score on cooking and order food to the house


Sometimes reluctant is not what to try something during cooking, but in principle approach the stove. Then you can bless the achievements of human thought and with a clean conscience to order the delivery of food to the house. The choice is now so great that you can arrange a Japanese, Italian, Georgian or Russian evening, which is called "without departing from the box office." And who believes that the place of a woman in the kitchen, - let it go and drown in the nearest swamp.

Put on pity

So that everyone immediately took on the handles, they loved, sorry and stroked on the head. Of course, you are the greatest, horses jump, huts are burning and all this, but it is sometimes necessary to be weak too. You can even move the stick slightly - there is no limit to perfection in this matter. I want to cry and tragically to climb hands, depicting sadness and flour bitter, - go ahead! The main thing is to moderate.

Short to shops

Special chic - do it without a penny in your pocket at the most expensive store. To turn the leg, ask the same thing, but with pearl buttons, the size is greater or less, ask the sellers of the subtlety of the preparation of this cream from the whale tumble, to approx the shoes, in which it is impossible to even sit. Feel the real beauty and believe that your own Richard Gir awaits you somewhere nearby.

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