10 signs that you meet with a good guy


We wrote about the signs of the asshole, and we were insulting for good guys. Such also exist, and we know how to recognize them!

He is kind

He addresses people with respect and kindness, even when no one sees and evaluates him from the side. It will not trample on someone else's patient, remembers other people's interests and hobbies, and even in conflict situations does not pass the line. If it is quite specifically: he loves his parents, does not torment the animals and not how to coincide with waiters.

He talks about an important

He is not enough empty chatter or state the facts, he is not afraid to "figure out the relationship" in the literal sense of these words. Moreover, he is ready to make serious conversations with you, support them and listen to you. Even if it is difficult for him to show emotions, he is ready to discuss feelings. As well as plans, solutions and how they can affect whose life.

He recognizes his mistakes

He is not from those who are always looking for whom to blame the guilt. If he was wrong, it just recognizes it. Apologizes if necessary, and, more importantly, it will try to correct what is possible. Apologies are not given to him easily, because he relates seriously to them - for him it is a chance to acquire a heavy, but useful experience.

He loves his job

In his life there is something important, besides your beloved. And that's fine. So he has from where to draw energy (except for you). He has a goal that he achieves. If it is even stuck on the unloved job, it will look for another. If he is fired, it will not fall on the sofa. He does not need to shove and settle, he is able to motivate himself.

He supports you

He is interested in your future, your opinion, your plans and hobbies. If your interests coincide, then you can work fine together. If you are busy in different areas, then he is sick of your success and is not less "rear" for you than you are for him. He is proud of you, even if you overtake him, and comforts you in failures, without shouting from them, as from some nonsense.

He cares about himself

About your mind, body and spirit. Damn it is difficult to take care of others if you do not like yourself. A good guy knows how to support himself in uniform in every sense. Perhaps he is engaged in sports and goes to a psychologist, or visits the church, or meditates, or breed cactys and is so resting to the soul. Moreover, he is not afraid to be checked by a doctor and does not bring banal sores to the global crisis. In general, he will not be a sick dietary on your neck.

He proves his love

He does not make you guess and doubt. He always shows his love, and not only at the moment of "conquest." And it shows it the way you understand her. Calls you "dear" or "beloved", and with people too, takes over the hand, preparing for the holidays that you celebrate, and makes gifts.

He is capable of ... Small

In life, there is not always a place for a feat. But there is always a place of insomnia, influenza, blank receipts, cats with non-triciated claws or capricious babies. And a good man will not take care of herself for the third world, but will stand and do everything.

You are not afraid of him

You are not afraid not to guess with a gift, you are not afraid to get sick, you are not afraid to refuse, you are not afraid to tell about your dreams or sins of the past. He is not holy, he is not obliged to love everything or forgive, but you know that he will always perceive you adequately, does not force your trust and will not hurt you pain.

He is not afraid of losing you

Of course, he does not want it. And you, of course, too. But he does not suffer from mad jealousy, does not surround you with annoying attention, does not control each step and does not threaten to die immediately in the case of separation. He leaves you free space and has such a space itself.

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