Phrases from films that all inflate. In gifs


We do not know where the scripts take these turns, but living people are not so expressed. PICS.RU went through the Hollywood melodramas along the grain and caught phrases that gazed out out loud with witnesses.

It's not about you, it's about me

Phrases from films that all inflate. In gifs 35798_1

That is, you are not in business, partner. I'm sorry.

You made my day

Phrases from films that all inflate. In gifs 35798_2

On the knee did, Clevero. Literally blinded, from what was.


Phrases from films that all inflate. In gifs 35798_3

The best birthday present is a heart attack. Hacking the door to a friend's apartment, rid all the living room confetti, and when the culprit of the celebration shakes home - jam on it from the closet. That's fun will be - and an ambulance with flashers, and Ain-Tswei-Polyzay with the protocol about the knocked castle.

We need to talk about our future

Phrases from films that all inflate. In gifs 35798_4

Well, I hope that they will nevertheless invent teleport and flying skates. And food can be downloaded from the Internet.

Are you okay?

Phrases from films that all inflate. In gifs 35798_5

The bear bit off my leg, the royal fell on me, Johnny Depp married some squeezing, I felt on the banana peel and all the steps of the Odessa ladder counted on the offscreen laugh. Of course, I'm fine, about what it is.

It's not what you think

Phrases from films that all inflate. In gifs 35798_6

OPA, "Battle of Psychics" with home delivery! And what do I think? And on your hand you pay?

Tell me "Syyr!"

Phrases from films that all inflate. In gifs 35798_7

I myself say "cheese." And at the same time, see what Lyut Oskal arises on the physiognomy from this word. This is not a smiling English "Cheeeeeese!".

I can explain everything

Phrases from films that all inflate. In gifs 35798_8

Well, then explain the quantum string theory in two words

Thanks to my mother, dad and the Lord God!

Phrases from films that all inflate. In gifs 35798_9

That is, you wanted to say: "I well done and fucking, extend, enemies. I owe the best in me with Burgers and Krasnikom. Let's already here, my prize, I still need to stagnate a triumphal selfie with him. "

Doc, I will live?

Phrases from films that all inflate. In gifs 35798_10

Tambov house you dock, Cuhedil.

Listen to your heart!

Phrases from films that all inflate. In gifs 35798_11

At my age, the baby is much more useful to listen to the liver and intestines. And thinking the brain.

I mind your honor!

Phrases from films that all inflate. In gifs 35798_12

Especially appropriate on the process of the century about unpaid gas bills. He you - "Debt in the amount of 586 rubles," and you - "I mind your honor! On my witness was put pressure! "

We need to talk

Phrases from films that all inflate. In gifs 35798_13

We already gnawed, did the doors, we left the irons - why not talk to the diversity? These three words are a magical spell from which the opponent guaranteed to hide in the fog. Running hobs, losing sneakers from horror.

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