12 types of old women we will definitely become


Alas, time is inexorably. Sooner or later the day comes when we become grandparents and grandmothers. Thinking about it is sometimes funny, and sometimes, we will be honest, crazy.

Especially scary girls. Because, damn it knows how old you will be reflected, and who you will become similar about thirty years (forty, fifty). But, if you discard fears and look around, it turns out that old age can be very different. It can be cute, charming, funny, smart, fierce and even sexy. And we ourselves can choose our no disconnect, but the inevitable future.

Classic grandmother

12 types of old women we will definitely become 35795_1

The classic Russian grandmother is the beauty of what. Cute, charming, with a cunning smile and lightweight character Grandmother A la Ruse enjoys indispensable respect and love surrounding. It is these grandmothers most often inferior in the subway, it is them that they are translated across the road, they give sucks just like that, and they love them to invite them to advertising farm food.

Great Matriarch

12 types of old women we will definitely become 35795_2

The harsh, but the fair grandmother -aturh is surrounded by children, grandchildren, beds with pumpkin and universal reverence. Grandmother, the Great Matriarch usually has a swan to become a proud look and tough principles. Perfectly bakes cakes and can roll a thousand cans with salty cucumbers per day.

And at the sight of her gopnik, for some reason, it is starting to feverishly to quench the cigarettes about the palm, the girls in the mini immediately cover the naked knees with his palms, and officials are built into the frunt.

Fitness Lady

12 types of old women we will definitely become 35795_3

About Sport - YOU LIFE! To the fitness lady, the word old woman is not applicable in no way. She is slight, elastic and easy to rise. When she goes on the beach. Young beauties blush and rummage in pareo, and young beauties are built in line to "meet". Sometimes she does not mind. In the end, why not?

Professor of all sciences

12 types of old women we will definitely become 35795_4

Small as the devil. Ironic as he. And also informed, erudite and ahead of the planet all. She knows thirty foreign languages, including Vapauk, she reads lectures in five universities at the same time, in the evenings with their dirtists she drinks tea (and not only), and at night plays chess on Skype with one damn by a pleasant doctor of mathematical sciences from Philadelphia. Students will be homeing, households are afraid. Grandchildren adore.

The Iron Lady

12 types of old women we will definitely become 35795_5

Well, or the Grand Lady, if you want. This is a woman - a businessman, a politician woman, a woman-writer, a woman - the ruler of finance, lives, a goodie and the future not only of his family, but also a fair piece of mankind. If you are she, then what an old age, in general, is it? You just have no time to do it.


12 types of old women we will definitely become 35795_6

There are such chased harsh old women. Large, statist, wide in shoulders, with strong hands, fearless look and skill, if necessary, screw a strong little word. As if they were made of bronze and engraved a warning inscription on the forehead "Caution! Can hit. To death. " With such an old woman, it is possible to intelligence, and in space, and in Goa - it will not disappear anywhere, and someone who next to the abyss will not allow.

Baby babulence

12 types of old women we will definitely become 35795_7

She loves to drink, bite, gossip, sing about "thin rowan" and "Venus I'm Your Fire" in the company of the same Shebuut and uncountable old women. If frankly, broken baboons has a rather steep temper and difficult character. It disrupts all the elbows in the queue, it is acknowledged to a glowing teenager and he will write a lot of plot on noisy neighbors.

But it is she who will select the girl from a bunny ambulance, will take a drinking teenager to the house, will give ten rubles a homeless man and shelter a homeless pupid.

Old rocker

12 types of old women we will definitely become 35795_8

Stormy youth - stormy maturity. Life continues, cats! The old rocker is not dealing to the time she turned out there, because she has a favorite bike, the old rustling and metallic in the headphones. And the "old woman" is not about age, it chased her and it was already forty years, no less.

Elderly Lady

12 types of old women we will definitely become 35795_9

Unnoticed, unobtrusted, few. White bone, blue blood, indispensable hat and silk scarf. ABOUT! Elderly lady can be seen immediately. She does not carry faded jewelry, does not paint lips, does not use the achievements of cosmetology (or enjoys, but you will never know about it), does not allow yourself unnecessary emotions and sudden statements. She, in general, quiet and seemingly timid.

But for some reason, it is her first to serve the menu in the restaurant, it is in front of her that the Swiss is constantly inclined, and only a noisy and smugglethright suddenly recalls the school course of French and Muemlit "Pardon Mua, Madame, Silvweple Mersi" ...

"Vienna" lady

12 types of old women we will definitely become 35795_10

It is exquisited, good, ulcer and damn smart. Loves major decorations from precious (or semi-precious stones), dress up with modern designers, loves when she is admired but from afar ... from afar. Viennese lady at that and Vienna, which prefers the Vienna Opera (Mariiinka will also come down) with the rest of the pastime. However, fashionable Paris venice people and all sorts of closed shows, too, in the zone of its interests.

After the opera with the Office, she likes to go into some cafe mixed and stingy old women in a company, skipped a couple of boilers Lafita and a little soflit with gray-haired Farts.

"To the old age puppy" she "cutie"

12 types of old women we will definitely become 35795_11

She wears Pink, paints the lips of Parliant lipstick and does not know where the car has a steering wheel, and where is the brake. And she goes. Because she all is so fragile, such a sudden, so awkward that I want to put it on the fireplace shelf, instead of a figurine. Men from her delighted, grandchildren are a little horrified, but already accustomed. She is so cute.

Grandma Troll

12 types of old women we will definitely become 35795_12

Not. She is not crazy. She just cheerful. Very fun and shebut. It will pumped into the subway of Junca for the ass and prevent the look that it was not standing nearby. It will ride on the rollers in Arbat, screaming the cries of "Postours, Raming!" Foreigners and pigeons. It will hit him a fool's cap and peas pants and will go to graduation in this form.

Households are a little shy a little, but without her their life -top and despondency. And with her - the theater of the absurd. And it's great.

Photo: shutterstock.com

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