6 proven ways to use tea brewing for beauty


6 proven ways to use tea brewing for beauty 35794_1

Tea bags are a very primitive product, but very useful for beauty. We offer you 6 ways to create them to become even more beautiful.

From bags under the eyes

A fairly common way to use tea bags. Tea welding remarkably eliminates bags under the eyes, relieves swelling, strengthens the vessels. Keep some boiled tea bags (black and green) in the refrigerator, and in the morning and evenings, apply them to our eyes.

Against acne

To combat acne, you can prepare tea tonic. In a mug of hard-brewed tea, add a pinch of salt, a spoon of lemon juice. Ready tonic need to pour into molds for ice and freeze. In the mornings, immediately after washing, the skin must be wiped with ready-made cosmetic ice. Literally several such sessions, and a visible result will appear soon.

Against wrinkles

Twice a week you can organize tea masks that will help get rid of wrinkles. A large spoon is firmly brewed tea + a small spoon of honey + as many finely ground oatmeal. All mix and apply for the face of 15-20 minutes, then wash.

To power the skin

Our grandmothers knew about the beautiful recipe for a face mask, which remarkably nourishes the skin. It is easy to prepare it: brew 20 g tea and give it to be broken - then mixing stealed oatmeal and a spoonful of honey to drink. Mix mix, apply a thin layer and wait 20 minutes, after which it was washed. Conduct sessions as usual - 1-2 times a week.

For a pleasant aroma

Is constantly worried about the unpleasant smell from the legs? It is easy to cope with this if there are tea baths for legs in the evenings. It will take to prepare a strong welding of green tea. Literally 20 minutes of such a session and the next day there will be no smell.

For cleansing

About the scrub with coffee all the heard, but do you know about the existence of a tea scrub? It is done very simple - in half a glass of boiling water you need to brew tea (you can both black and green), and then give to cool naturally. The resulting cooled mass must be mixed with honey sugar taken by 2-3 spoons, and you can proceed to the procedure itself.

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