10 etiquette rules that will have a positive effect on health


Perhaps everything is known about the elementary rules of etiquette, it is probably all: to hold the door, observe professional politeness, talk on the phone. And with this, few people think that compliance with the rules of etiquette can bring tremendous health benefits. So, about everything in order.

1. Do not pove in the nose

Most people, of course, do not pick up a finger in a nose in public, but mostly do not make it due to a banal embarrassment. It turns out that it is not only "ugly", but can affect health.

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In one study, the connection was discovered between the discharge from the nose and the spread of Staphylococcus aureus - the strain of bacteria that can cause serious, and sometimes resistant to antibiotic infection. A simple touch to the nose, not to mention the picking in it, is also an excellent way to transfer more common diseases such as influenza.

But there is another curious fact. Professor Saskachevian University highlights the hypothesis that if picking in the nose and even there is something that was learned from it may eventually benefit health. According to the professor, this is because the introduction of some bacteria to the body can "transfer" information related to the immune system associated with an infection that may be later used to combat this ailment.

In any case, "mining minerals" in the nose should be done alone alone.

2. Wipe the sweat

Gym, as a rule, are places where people go to become healthier. But training is inevitably accompanied by severe breathing, so the gyms are also places where microbes can flourish. That is why rubbing equipment before and after use is not only the cornerstone of the sports etiquette, but also a very important step in maintaining health.

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The most common barley in the simulators is rinovirus, which occurs about 63% of the entire equipment. This is the main cause of a cold frequently transmitted by sneezing, cough or touching solid surfaces on which bacteria can live a whole week.

If you want to reduce your chances to pick up bacteria, it is worth spending a minute before proceeding to training to wipe the parts of the equipment to which you can touch. You also need to not forget to clean up after the end of the workout. Gyms usually provide antibacterial aerosols and paper towels for their customers.

3. Do not eat from a common plate

Even if someone thinks that these are little things and stupidity, in fact, such a similar can lead to thousands of bacteria in a bowl with a salad or sauce.

What are we talking about. Imagine a party. A person comes to the table with snacks, takes chips and makes it in a large salsa bowl. Of course, it looks a bit strange, because the rest simply impose a sauce on a plate, well, oh well. But then he buys half the chips, after which the remaining half is pushes in the same plate.

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For the second time, a flock of microbes from the mouth of this man joyful Gurba rushed into a bowl of sauce. The student project of the University of Clemson found that the number of bacteria carrying from the mouth to a bowl in such cases is about 10,000 for every 3-6 macani food into a common plate.

There are several things that can be done to save our guests from the threat of infection. You just need to offer them small bowls and plates to which people will be able to impose a snacks for themselves, or simply serve portions of food at once.

4. All know the measure

At parties, you can often relax, relax and drink. There is nothing wrong with that (naturally, if you do not overdo it with alcohol). But in some cases it is better to limit food and alcohol for the sake of personal and professional relationships, and this will have a positive effect on health.

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According to etiquette experts, you need to imitate in the behavior of a person who flies the least. This means that if someone does not drink, everyone else should be limited to three sizes so that all guests are more or less "on the same level." This is especially important on working parties, where excessive alcohol consumption can have professional consequences.

But what the attitude of alcohol has to health. First, alcohol is not the best use of calories. In 355 milliliters of beer contains 153 calories, which can adversely affect weight. There are also health risks associated with alcohol abuse. It is believed that 5 skotes for men and 4 Shota for a woman for 2 hours is already fraught with high blood pressure, stroke, liver diseases, neurological damage and other problems

5. When making a loss stay at home

Imagine - wake up once in the morning with a flip in the throat and a strong headache. It seems that the sound of the alarm is given in the head of the bell ringing. From the nose flows a stream. And in such a state, the person goes to work.

Of course, there are different situations. Maybe you are approaching the Deadlinea project, and I do not want to bring your colleagues. Perhaps someone does not want to use hospital with a simple cold. Or, even worse, the hospital is not paid.

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Although making a decision may be difficult, most health experts argue that sick employees should stay at home. First, the sick person simply will not be able to work normally. Secondly, you can infect other people, which will reduce the performance of the entire office. For example, a cold is the most contagious in the first two days after a person begins to test the symptoms, so if you have a rest for a couple of days at home, it can slow down the spread of the disease.

But what is most important for health, the day of rest can accelerate recovery and will allow it to return to work in full force much earlier than in case of going to work in patients.

6. Be to positive

This is a fact of modern life: on the road is full of bad drivers. Some ride as if they believe that they were involved in races. Other signals are flashing with headlights and erupt the streams of obscene. According to experts in the field of health, the body will only say thanks if not nervous on the road.

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When a person is angry, the hormones of stress cause the rise in cardiac rhythm and blood pressure. According to one study, this can increase the risk of a cardiac attack five times and a stroke three times within two hours after the outbreak of the malice. If such stress continues the day after day, additional problems may occur, including the weakening of the immune system, back pain, headaches, problems with the menstrual cycle and infertility.

But what can be done to "comprehend Zen" on the road. To begin with, you need to schedule a little extra time in advance to get to the destination. Thus, you do not have to rush and there will be no feeling of irritation on a slow driver in the left strip. But if irritation is still there, you can try to sing a song or think about something good to "switch thoughts" to something else. If nothing helps, it will be best to stop and standing a minute to calm down.

7. Do not allow children to use a pool as a toilet

So, imagine a swimming pool full of screaming children. Unfortunately, billions of microbes or tiny organisms are splashing around these children, which can lead to illness. These tiny "pests" fall into the pool on hair, saliva, mucous nose and mouth and, which is the most disgusting, when urination.

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The diseases falling into the water of the pool are known as recreational diseases of water (RWI). The most common of these states is diarrhea, which can be caused by a number of nasty microbes, including Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Shigella, Norovirus and E. coli. Chlorine helps to control these microbes to a certain level, but they can survive in the pool within a few minutes or even several days, which is enough to penetrate into someone's organism.

There are some preventive measures that can be taken to reduce the likelihood of infection for all. To begin with, you need to take a shower before entering the pool, and not at all go to it, if there is diarrhea. Children need to be led to the toilet, and not allow them to walk in a small right in the water. And if you need to change the diaper, you should not do it by the pool. And also need to try to swallow as much water as possible.

8. Do not sneeze in the crowd

One of the main ways to distribute respiratory diseases, such as colds, flu, cough and acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI), is cough and sneezing. Ideally, you need to use a napkin to cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze, and then immediately throw out the napkin and wash your hands.

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But sometimes the napkins are not at hand. In this case, it is impossible to be desire to close the nose with your hands, and it will be better to cough or sneeze into the sleeve. Thus, not all infection falls into the air and does not spread to everything that the sick person touches.

How else can you stop the spread of microbes. You need to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds using soap and warm water.

9. More often change towels for guests

Providing a new towel for each hand washing can be of great importance to prevent the spread of bacteria. Surely, everyone was at a party where the bathroom was used so often that it became smelly and wet. A good owner should more often change the towel to clean, because they are not only unpleasant to use, but it is simply stuck with microbes.

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Hand towels are actually a wonderful chatener for microbes. They are usually pretty thick and hang in a wet place, which means that it takes a lot of time to dry. They also remain skin cells that microbes can use as "food". This means that only a few bacteria falling on the towel can quickly multiply.

In order not to turn the hand towel to the scientific experiment, you need to wash it every three or four days hot water and bleach when possible. And if at home is planned a big party, you should stock up with several towels.

10. Coach your appetite

If you burst at the office party "as not in yourself", it will not only hurt a reputation, but also bad will affect the waist. The highlight of corporate parties is often free food, but you should not be too fascinated by this. When some kind of dish ends, it will be better not to eat it, but to leave at least a little for others. If the dish completely empty, you can ask for additives in the restaurant, but it is better to quickly silent on a private party.

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It is also worth remembering that the food at the party is not entirely useful. Even fresh vegetables are usually combined with high-calorie and fatty refuel from mayonnaise.

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