How to wash the refrigerator and refrigeration chamber


How to wash the refrigerator and refrigeration chamber 35788_1

Of course, it does not like anyone, but you simply need to clean at home. Not only is organized cuisine contributes to a healthier nutrition, it also means that food used is really safe for consumption. One of the cleaning items in the kitchen is the cleaning of the refrigerator and the freezer. Immediately you should remember the basic rule: "If you doubt the product, throw it away!". This is the best advice that will help to avoid food poisoning. So, how to bring order in your refrigerator and freezer.


1. You need to start with the compilation of the cuisine re-equipment, and choose the day when the refrigerator will be as small as possible. You need to get everything from the refrigerator and throw over moldy or suspicious products. It is also necessary to check the dates of all products for the expiration of the suitability and send everything that is overdue, in the trash can.

2. Wipe the shelves and drawers with warm water with soap. After that, everything you need to dry the cloth.

3. Fold all started, but suitable seasonings and refueling into one container. It is necessary to put all this so that everything is at hand, and it was not necessary to look for the clock "somewhere the opposite pepper."

4. Seasonings and the most long-respent products should be stored on the shelves on the doors, as it is usually the warmest refrigerator area. And in the coolest places (boxes), meat, cheeses, vegetables must be kept, and everything else that quickly flies.

5. Right in the middle of the refrigerator, you need to put an open pack with food soda. It will absorb all the "extra" smells.

6. It is worth taking a thermometer and check the refrigerator to make sure that the temperature inside is somewhere between 2 and 4 degrees Celsius. Most experts say that the optimal temperature for storing products is 3 degrees. In the freezer temperature should be set to minus 17 degrees.

7. Box for vegetables (we are talking about the new models of refrigerators) supported humidity to help reduce withering vegetables. Therefore, greens and fresh vegetables in this box will calmly lay for about seven days.

8. In the drawer for delicacies / meat, you need to store fresh meat and cheeses. Unopened products will be stored before the expiration date, but after opening the hermetic packaging, the meat will be stored up to five days, and solid cheese - up to three weeks.

9. It is necessary to organize your refrigerator so that the most "healthy" products stood in front and were most accessible. A less healthy food you need to position in the back of the refrigerator so that it does not seduce the "snack".


10. Remove all of the freezer and indentarize the products. If something looks like "not very" or even it is difficult for you to determine, "what it is in the Kulk", throw it out without the slightest doubt.

11. All you decide to leave, wrap in two layers of polyethylene or store in special packages in the freezer.

12. Cooked meat can fly in the freezer to two months, and raw meat, bird or seafood - about six months. Vegetables and most other unrelated products will remain suitable during the year.

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