10 films that once looked "cool", and today can cause a smile


10 films that once looked

Science fiction is the only genre that often depicts the future. Sometimes technologies that ultimately become reality are quite precisely predictable, but most often the technology depicted in the science fiction films of the past today looks surprisingly outdated. Consider the ten most notable examples of scenes in films that at the time of the release of the film turned out to be advanced, but today they can cause a smile.

1. 3D movies in "Back to the Future"

During the first half an hour of the 2nd film from the series "Back to the Future", it is described about the alternative version of the future - October 21, 2015. In the film released in 1989, they tried to imagine how the world would look more than in 25 years. Surely, many people remembered how Marty McFly was frightened by the three-dimensional preview of the film "Jaw 19".

10 films that once looked

On the one hand, the film was able to predict that three-dimensional technologies will become very popular in the cinema. On the other hand, the three-dimensional projection showed today looks just terribly and poorly. However, in 1989, however, this technology impressed many film workers. The director later said that even at that time the production department could do the cheaper replacement of the scene with the shark, but instead I wanted to experiment with graphics.

2. MS-DOS and "Robocop"

In the film "Robocop" released in 1987, never definitely talked about the exact time when the scene's actions occur. This was shown only in the continuation (2028). Apparently, in the original film used approximately the same time frames. If you reconsider this film today, it is easy to see that "Robocop" was able to predict some things very accurately: Detroit today is a bankrupt city covered by crime, and law enforcement agencies rely on computers and air drowsing uniforms to combat violators of the law.

10 films that once looked

The film has several funny scenes for technically savvy people. For example, the boot screen of Robocop shows that it works on MS-DOS 3.3. For the first time released in 1981, the MS-DOS operating system changed eight versions until its development stopped in 2000. Today, DOS is a real relic for many people and a symbol of personal computers in the 1980s and 1990s.

3. Model of the city in "Flying Logan"

The plot released in 1976 the film "Flight Logan" occurs in 2274, when people survived live in underground utopia, controlled by a reasonable computer. In a sense, the film predicted the modern culture of "Hukapa", which is popular in applications such as Tinder. In the film, when people wanted to have sex, they used a computer to select their partner (provided that the other party wanted to delete himself).

10 films that once looked

32 years ago, "Fiahl Logan" received an Oscar premium for special effects. Today it is simply impossible to look without a smile on the stage of arrival in the city under the dome, in which it is clearly seen that this is a miniature model of the city. The film director recently stated that although the special effects of the film today look comical, then the team has done everything possible on the basis of technologies that have been available at the time to show the city of the future after 300 years.

4. Pixelization in the Wild West World

Released in 1973, the "Wild West World" became a technical landmark for the cinematic industry, becoming the first artistic film, in which digital images were used, as well as the first film using pixelization. The plot rotates around the visitors of the Futuristic Amusement Park, in which the Androids failed.

10 films that once looked

The film was ultimately predicted most of the automation, which is currently increasingly used in amusement parks, such as Disney World and Universal Studios, but at the same time the film used quite funny graphics. The budget of the "Wild West World" was $ 1.25 million, of which $ 20,000 were highlighted for shooting a two-minute scene. During this time, it was shown how the world's eyes look like.

Since then there was no color scanner, rendering every 10 seconds scenes occupied approximately eight hours. Today, pixelization is made elementary, and it is often used, for example, on culinary shows to disguise unexpected ingredients.

5. Outdated microprocessor in the Terminator

A series of films "Terminator" loved to many, because at that time the advanced technical effects were shown in it. In the first film "Terminator" released in 1984, cyborg was shown, sent from 2029 in 1984 to kill Sarah Connor. The epoch, when robots can be "dressing" in the human skin (the future technology shown in the film) is becoming increasingly possible. However, the technology used to display how the Terminator sees the world today is simply ridiculous.

10 films that once looked

In the first film on frames that show the "picture through the terminator's eyes", the area with the listing of the assembler program is visible on the screen, with commands characteristic of 6502 processors. Mos Technology 6502 was an eight-bit microprocessor, which began to produce in 1975, but the factory that released them was closed in 2001, and the technology was obsolete long before. In addition, the night vision of the terminator is much superior to modern technologies.

6. Televisions in the "Space Odyssey 2010"

Despite the fact that the film Stanley Kubrika "Space Odyssey of 2001" was removed back in 1968, the current world was quite precisely predicted, where electronics is small, inexpensive and widespread almost everywhere. In addition, the film was mainly able to avoid outdated graphics.

10 films that once looked

The continuation of the film, "Space Odyssey 2010" no longer like the audience. Although it used the best (but now outdated) graphics of the 1980s (the film was shot in 1984), the most ridiculous in it was the use of old TVs with an electron beam tube. They almost ceased to be used by 2008, giving way to more subtle LCD TVs.

7. "Reminted Space"

Most people who heard about the film did not even expect a "rebellion in space", shot in 1988, will have good special effects or will predict the future. The film takes place in the future, on the starship during the insurrection. The pilot must fight against a group of rebels to prevent the landing of the spacecraft on a distant planet.

10 films that once looked

Perhaps the most embarrassing is the scene in the film in which the vector graphics are depicted, used in order to show how the starship leads fire. Vector graphics were used in the early arcade games of the 1970s, but was almost completely replaced by more advanced effects by the mid-1980s. As a result, the assumption that on space ships years after 1988 this schedule will be used, it was ridiculous.

8. "Gattaka"

In released in 1997, before the researchers completed the project "Man's Genome" project, the film "Gattak" told the story of Vincent Freamen, who was born in a natural way, but has a younger brother, which was "optimized" or born through technological means. Vincent suffers from poor vision and heart defect, but wants to work in the Country Space Program. He manages to deceive the security service of the Aerospace Corporation Gattaca, passing out other people's tests, but the truth will ever pop up the outside. The film was strangely prophetic, since the current technological advances allowed researchers to predict health risks based on the human DNA sequence.

10 films that once looked

Although the film was nominated for the Oscar Award in the "Best Artist's Best Work" category, today a number of moments look funny. For example, technicians in the film can quickly perform complex analyzes of human DNA, but the technology used by Gattaca Aerospace Corporation does not have what is considered everyday high-tech features (high resolution and touchscreen applications).

9. Sexmission

In 1984, the Polish film "Sexumsia" appeared on the screens, which is probably the most funny filmmaker in this list. The film starts in 1991, when two friends voluntarily expose themselves to the freezing experiment. However, instead of waking up in three years, two buddies wake up in 2044 in the post-apocalyptic world. The film became very popular in Poland (according to a survey, the most popular over the past 30 years).

Although the film is a comedy, she was also some kind of prophetic, given that NASA announced in 2016, which plans to start using anabyosis for astronauts. All computers in "Sexmission" use frame three-dimensional graphics, which was quite affordable in the 1980s and, of course, will be gradually canceled by 2040. However, it is especially funny today to see ZX Spectrum in one of the frames. Released in 1982, ZX Spectrum was an eight-bit personal home computer. It was completely removed from production in 1992 due to the fact that he is hopelessly outdated.

10. Alien

For those who have not seen the film, "Alien" is a story about the commercial spacecraft "Nostromo", whose computer awakens the team from cryogenic sleep due to a disaster signal coming from the nearest planet. After landing on the planet, the crew reveals the remains of a humanoid creature, as well as incomprehensible eggs. After opening one of the eggs, the crew member is infected with an unknown biological organism, which grows in it, after which it breaks out and attacks the rest of the crew.

In 1979, when he was shot by "someone else's", his team received many awards for the special effects of the film. Then even text messages from the central computer of the ship looked advanced technologies. However, in the following decade, computers developed a very rapid pace, which led to the fact that the version of the computer used in the film was obsolete by the time was released "someone else's".

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