15 best films to help get together all family


15 best films to help get together all family 35782_1

Surely, everyone loves to gather in the evening on a cozy sofa with the whole family and see some kind of cool movie. We give examples of some of the best family films that have already become a classic.

1. Mystery Koko (2017)

Pixar films have always possessed some special magic, and over the past couple of decades, these films have become loved ones for family-run home and in cinemas. The adventures of Miguel musician in the underground world during the day of the dead, apparently, were specifically removed in order to make people think about the values ​​of the family.

2. Infinite story (1984)

Here the plot tells about the 10-year-old Bastian, the tank, who needs to read the book in the attic, so that Atraya (his alter-ego) saved an imaginary country to fantasy. In addition to the fact that the film is amazingly pleasant to view the family, it is also literally "impregnated by nostalgna" according to the "generation X" and "Millenialam".

3. Time Keeper (2011)

Events occur in Paris of the 1930s. Young orphan living at the station runs away from the owner of the toy store. Having become acquainted with the kiss of this man, he took her into a cinema, and there the children understood that the owner of the toy store was once a famous director. Further, the boy and the girl together hatch the plan to realize the dream of the deceased father of the boy and repair the car. This melodrama was removed by Martin Scorsese, and in the lead roles you can see such actors like Eys Butterfield, Chloe Grace Market, Ben Kingsli, Jude Lowe and Sasha Baron Cohen.

4. American Tail (1986)

Those who want to see something nostalgic, you can recommend a full-length cartoon about the journey of the Ukrainian mouse-Jew named Fileel. We are talking about hope, even in cases where your loved one is very far. The cartoon tells about immigration to a new place, which can be both friendly and hostile, as well as the construction of a new house filled with love, while hate has destroyed the old house.

5. Coralina in the country of nightmares (2009)

In 2009, the newly created Laika Studios declared itself to the whole world of a wonderful story based on the Children's Tale of the Neal Gamean "Coraline". The author of the script and director Henry Selik (who also removed the "nightmare before Christmas", although many believe that Tim Berton did) shot a puppet cartoon about a girl who moves to a new home in Oregon with strange new neighbors and a seductive fantastic country where there are Loving parents, tasty food and endless fun ... All this, if she agrees to sew buttons instead of eyes.

6. Poutine Charlotte (1973)

A cheerful and energetic cartoon is an empty of the classic novel by Elvina White about a piglet, whom smart pachery saved it to be allowed to bacon. This story is a wonderful friendship lesson.

7. Mulan (1998)

It is very likely that almost every family already "stood up to the holes" "Moana" and "Kung Fu Panda", so it is worth remembering the beautiful Disney cartoons of the 1990s. Mulan is the screening of a beautiful Chinese medieval ballad of a brave young woman who quit a challenge to fate and the army that went to the army, despite sexism in her empire.

8. Little Princess (1995)

If someone wants to find a movie to make an impression on relatives, he should look at one of the early "precious stones" Alphonse Quaraon - the film of the film with Shirley Temple 1939. In Kinolent, we are talking about a young girl who was given to the terrible boarding school, and which thinks her father was killed during the First World War. A film that is distinguished by the amazing game of actors and magnificent visual effects has become a cult.

9. Emperor's adventure (2000)

David Spand voicates the selfish and narcissistic ruler of the Inca, who was turned into Lama with his adviser-intrigued ism. I united with a good rural resident (whose house the emperor wanted to destroy to free the place for the water slide), the sarcastic Lama tries to return his human body and his throne.

10. Steel giant (1999)

A fantastic hand-drawn masterpiece about the Cold War of Brad Bird is a little similar to the film "Alien", but in his main role a giant robot. Also, it can also find references to fantastic films of the 1950s, Superman, etc.

11. Jane (2017)

Who says family films should be animated or comedy. This award-winning documentary tells about the decades of studies of chimpanzee scientist Jane Goodoll, who lived among monkeys in Tanzania. Jane had an extraordinary life, and her research was really awesome.

12. Eve of all saints (1993)

Even in the early 1990s, the studio Hanna-Barbera decided to remove the adaptation of the fantastic novel of Ray Bradbury. What is interesting, the famous script writer himself was a screenwriter, and also spent the text behind the scenes. The cartoon tells about the group of adolescents who went to Halloween at home in the city to collect candy, and fell into the past.

13. Mary and Witin Flower (2017)

The Japanese animated film tells about an 11-year-old girl who enters the enchanted kingdom, complete incredible adventures and miracles. The cartoon turned out to be very colorful and teaches children to know the world, as well as the study of plants.

14. In search of the Galaxy (1999)

Fans of science fiction should not pass by the film Dina Pariso, which is something average between the parody of the "Star Path" and a scientific fiction film. The main characters of the film are the former stars of the fictional series like the "Star Route". They are kidnapped by aliens, but the actors think they are involved in the reality show.

15. Miser Brothers Christmas (2008)

One brothers is playing at Christmas Santa Claus. The other at this time is trying to sabotage Christmas.

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