10 films that will help survive the most difficult days


Each of us has such a period when you do not want to do anything and see anyone. One way to get out of such a difficult situation is to find inspiration. Someone finds him in the books, someone - in music or painting, and someone - in the movies. Therefore, for the latest category of people, our selection will be especially useful. So, a dozen movies are presented to universal attention, which is highly recommended for viewing in difficult life times. Will not waste time!

"Three billboards on the border of Ebbing, Missouri"

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Opens our list of Martin McDonach "Three Billboards on the border of Ebbing, Missouri", released on the screens in 2017. In the center of history there is a simple woman, which is so tired of the inaction of police officers to investigate the circumstances of her daughter, is decided on an unusual step - to rent three billboards. On them, desperate woman places hard messages towards the sheriff of the local police. What makes this film worthy of attention? First of all, an excellent combination of drama and humor. In many ways, the film is obliged to combine its unique atmosphere. Yes, and the story that even with all the troubles should be left by a person, can rush many.


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As you know, the French are the Movie Master, which does not leave indifferent. And the film Olivier Orel "Pelican" 2011 was no exception. Here the plot rotates around the family, the head of which falls into the captains of the depression after the death of his wife. From this he suffers from his only son. But everything changes when a small pelican falls into the boy. After that, the life of the bird itself is changing, and her owner is also. What can be said about this movie? If you describe it with three words, it is simplicity, sincerity and kindness. In these words - all the essence of the film.

"Monster's voice"

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Fairy tales can be fairly able to be considered a medicine from Handra. Do not believe? Then here is the proof of the work of Huana Antonio Bayona "Voice Monster" 2016. The main character here is a boy who is experiencing hard days: Mom - sick, he himself - is subjected to injury, and regular nightmares are becoming the last drop. But after time, the boy acquires an unusual friend - a living tree. Is it worth saying that for the sake of observation for such an unusual friendship, this film is worth viewing at the first opportunity? Yes, and remember yourself with a child who just began to understand what an adult world is, is also useful sometimes.

Indian films

Already at the mention of this genre, many are bright paints, dances and songs. Of course, over time, Bollywood has learned to make excellent films that sometimes retreat from this formula, and a bright example is the work of Anuraga bass "Barf!" 2012. The name of the film was received in honor of the main character - a deaf down guy, which, as it turns out, is not alien to such a bright feeling like love. His feelings are interpreted, but at the most inopportune moment, parents begin to interfere with their pragmatism. We dare to assure you that there will be no place for the scene stroke, only fun, recklessness and immediate main characters.


A film that closes the first half of our list is probably a cult. We are talking about Francis Ford Coppola 1996 tape "Jack". As in the case of the previous ribbon, the film was called in honor of his main character - a boy, a patient with an unusual ailment. Because of him, a 10-year-old boy looks like an adult man, but in the soul he remains a child who is not alien to his age inherent in hobbies and joy. If you want something good and truly touching - you must definitely pay attention to the film "Jack". You will get a sea of ​​positive emotions.

"Plus one"

Do not underestimate the domestic film in the field of films, helping to overcome the difficult moments in life. An excellent example is Oksana's tape by the bullish "plus one", released in the distant 2008. The main heroine here is a woman living with work and does not betray the surrounding life. But everything goes differently, when a Briton appears in the heroine life, loving to show puppet ideas and walk in different socks. The film is an excellent example of how you can find happiness right under your nose. All that is needed for this is to open the soul of the world.

"Cosmos between us"

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Even if the film is removed in the genre of fiction, it does not mean that it cannot be brightened to the soul. It brightly shows the film Peter Chelsea "Cosmos between us" 2017. The main characters here are the girl from the ground and a young man who grown on Mars. Young people are in love with each other, and at one moment the guy is solved on the flight to the ground. In this film, the story is perfectly told about how important to be able to appreciate what you have, and rejoice in every new day.

"Stranger and Stranger"

The "bronze" position of our list receives another representative of Bollywood - "Stranger and Stranger" of 2010. The picture of Siddhart Ananda tells the story of a guy and girls who are united in that both in the life of both goes if not black, then at least a gray band. But everything changes after they meet. Adventures, overcoming difficulties, clean emotions - that's what everyone is waiting for anyone who wants to watch the film "Stranger and Stranger".

"Surfer Soul"

The "Silver" of the list is quite well deserved by the work of Sean McNamara "Surfer Soul" 2011. The focus turns out to be a girl who has been surfing from children's years. But after the shark attack at the age of 13, the girl becomes disabled. Despite the absence of one hand, the girl becomes again on the board, which soon allows her to compete on a par with healthy athletes. If you say briefly - this film is recommended to everyone who wants to get a powerful motivation charge to implement any long-standing dream. As they say, "if you want a lot - you can fly into space."

"How to talk to girls at parties"

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It closes our list another tape with a fiction chart - "How to talk to girls at parties" John Cameron Mitchell. The story of 2017 tells the history of the shy young man, who gets acquainted at the party with an unusual girlfriend. Soon it turns out that she is an aliens that dreams of freedom and life on Earth. Already this tandem itself can say that the viewer will not be bored throughout the film. From the first to the last second.

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